Lokkal- todo SMA
San Miguel de Allende Sunday Magazine
October 20
· Everyone is a Publisher
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
Whether the content is audio, visual or textual, anyone who posts anything on social media is a publisher.
· Mexico's First Novel: El Periquillo Sarniento
        by Philip Gambone
His editorial stance became so bold that he was arrested and imprisoned by the ultra-royalist government.
· Mayan Girls, Henry Mendez
        by Patricia Argüello Melgar
The ancestral teachings of the Maya have resisted the passing of time.
· How Sweet It Is: Néctar Restaurant Reopens
        by Meryl Truett and John Dodge Meyer
We now use the term "plant-based" to explain our menu.
· Shifting Horizons, Deborah Fine, opening - Friday, October 25, 6-8pm
        by Deborah Fine
My work is an exploration of space - an evolving investigation of the balance between chaos and order.
· Net, Web, Cloud: The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
There is no cloud. It is just somebody else's computer.
· Cubrebocas et al.
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· Todos somos editores
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
Ya se trate de contenidos sonoros, visuales o textuales, cualquiera que publique algo en las redes sociales es un editor.
· La primera novela de México: El Periquillo Sarniento
        por Philip Gambone
Su postura editorial llegó a ser tan audaz que fue detenido y encarcelado por el gobierno ultrarrealista.
· Niñas Mayas, Henry Méndez
        por Patricia Argüello Melgar
La enseñanza ancestral de los Mayas ha resistido el correr del tiempo.
· Qué dulce es: Reinauguración de Restaurante Néctar
        por Meryl Truett y John Dodge Meyer
“El arte habla tus silencios a través de los colores”.
· Horizontes cambiantes, Deborah Fine - inauguración - Vie, Oct 25, 6-8pm
        por Deborah Fine
Mi obra es una exploración del espacio, una investigación en evolución del equilibrio entre el caos y el orden.
· Internet, Web, Nube: La esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
No hay ninguna nube. Sólo es el ordenador de otra persona
· Lokkal, SMA's Community Network
        San Miguel online
Our Digital Town Square... Browse SMA's community Wall.
October 13
· Friends and Acquaintances
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
Death puts everything into a different perspective, absolute, commanding.
· My Secret Paradise, Carlos Villaseñor - exhibition through Saturday, Oct 19
"The encounter also becomes a battle between my obsessive perfectionism and the imperfect joy of what resists manipulation."
· I Love a Parade, Art of the Story Festival, October 29-31
        by Trina Bueche
Parades give platform to many different ways of story-telling: music, dance, ritual, clothing, color, theater...
· Sound of Color, Michael Schwarcz, A Lifetime's Journey - exhibition through October 25
        by Nallely Moreno
"Art speaks your silences through colors."
· Southern Italy in Every Bite
An unwavering commitment to farm-fresh ingredients and time-honored Neapolitan traditions.
· The Best Intentions? - The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
The real reason for that ban is a bit on the embarrassing side.
· Crossword Puzzle - Lokkal Two
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· Amigos y conocidos
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
La muerte lo pone todo en una perspectiva diferente, absoluta, dominante.
· Mi paraíso secreto, Carlos Villaseñor - exposición hasta el sábado 19 de octubre
«El encuentro se convierte también en una batalla entre mi perfeccionismo obsesivo y la alegría imperfecta de lo que se resiste a la manipulación».
· Me encanta el desfile, Festival del Arte del Cuento, del 29 al 31 de octubre
        por Trina Bueche
Los desfiles dan pie a muchas formas diferentes de contar historias: música, danza, rituales, vestimenta, color, teatro...
· Sonido de color, Michael Schwarcz, El viaje de una vida - exhibición hasta el 25 de octubre
        por Nallely Moreno
“El arte habla tus silencios a través de los colores”.
· El sur de Italia en cada bocado
Un compromiso inquebrantable con los ingredientes frescos de granja y las tradiciones napolitanas ancestrales.
· ¿Las mejores intenciones? - La esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
La verdadera razón de esa prohibición está un poco en el lado embarazoso.
October 6
· Happy New Year Palestina
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
Huge numbers of well-meaning individuals have no idea that they are being antisemitic.
· Augie's Adventures in Mexico
        by Philip Gambone
Augie's bumbling odyssey to discover what a triumphant life might be is at the heart of this picaresque saga.
· Yambu - Private Gallery, Rodney Millar; grand opening -Thursday, October 10, 6pm
Yambu Gallery is only open to the public during our grand opening evening.
· Bringing Out the Bodies; opening - Sunday, October 13, 1-4pm
        by Kathleen Cammarata
What ensued in painting was a routine exploitation of the female body.
· Tibetan Monks in San Miguel; October 16 - November 3
The World Tour for Inner Peace with the Tibetan monks of the Gaden Shartse Monastic University.
· Threads of Hope, fashion event, Mano Amiga; Monday, Oct. 14, 6pm
        by Ann Marie Jackson
...celebrating the diversity and strength of our community.
· Three, Two, One: the Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
...a little understanding of the tiered infrastructure that makes up the internet we all use.
· Crossword Puzzle - Lokkal One
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· Feliz Año Nuevo Palestina
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
Un gran número de individuos bienintencionados no tienen ni idea de que están siendo antisemitas.
· Las aventuras de Augie en México
        por Philip Gambone
La torpe odisea de Augie por descubrir qué puede ser una vida triunfante es el núcleo de la saga picaresca.
· Yambu - Galería privada, Rodney Millar; gran inauguración - Jueves 10 de octubre, 6pm
La Galería Yambu sólo está abierta al público durante nuestra gran noche de inauguración.
· Sacar los cuerpos a la luz; inauguración - domingo 13 de octubre, de 1-4pm
        por Kathleen Cammarata
Lo que siguió en la pintura fue una explotación rutinaria del cuerpo femenino.
· Monjes tibetanos en San Miguel; 16 de octubre - 3 de noviembre
La Gira Mundial por la Paz Interior con los monjes tibetanos de la Universidad Monástica Gaden Shartse.
· Hilos de Esperanza, evento de moda, Mano Amiga; Lunes 14 de octubre, 6pm
        por Ann Marie Jackson
...celebrando al mismo tiempo la diversidad y la fuerza de nuestra comunidad.
· Tres, dos, uno: la esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
...comprender al menos un poco la infraestructura escalonada que conforma el Internet que todos utilizamos.
September 29
· An Excellent Adventure
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
...having the decency to deliver the coup de grâce out in his beloved wilderness where no one would have to witness or clean up the mess.
· Presenting Yambu Gallery, Rodney Millar: opening -Thursday, October 10, 6pm
I am a Cuban Santeria practitioner, Omo Aña heading in the direction to be Babalawo, Keeper of Secrets.
· Marrakesh to San Miguel
        by Brenda Sexton
We got the opportunity to tour Namuh's owner's magnificent, awe-inspiring new home.
· Walkable Cities
        by Diana López, Floresta Lanscaping
We want to break the concrete and plant more trees.
· Joy in Motion, opening - Debra Deutsch Oliver: Fri, Oct. 4, 5-8
She was drawn to capture her subjects in ecstatic motion.
· Spy vs Spy: the Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
So the big question to ask is who can you trust?
· Crossword Puzzle - A Visit to Olympus
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· Una excelente aventura
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
...teniendo la decencia de dar el golpe de gracia en su amada naturaleza donde nadie tendría que ser testigo o limpiar el desastre.
· Presentación de la Galería Yambu, Rodney Millar: inauguración - Jueves 10 de octubre, 6pm
Soy practicante de la santería cubana, Omo Aña en dirección a ser Babalawo, Guardián de los Secretos.
· De Marrakesh a San Miguel
        por Brenda Sexton
Tuvimos la oportunidad de visitar la magnífica e impresionante nueva casa del propietario de Namuh.
· Ciudades que se caminan
        Diana López, Floresta Paisajismo
Queremos romper el concreto y sembrar más árboles.
· Alegría en movimiento, inauguración - Debra Deutsch Oliver: Vie, Oct. 4, 5-8
...capturar esos momentos en movimiento en los que la mente se aquieta y hay una sensación de alegría; empoderada y desinhibida.
· Espía vs espía: La esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
Así pues, la gran pregunta que debemos hacernos es: ¿en quién podemos confiar?
September 22
· Youthful Independence
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
Dad never explaining himself made me a very good, if slightly neurotic, listener.
· "Barbarism, color, glamour, and risk": Saul Bellow in Mexico
        by Philip Gambone
...an interest in how great events in history impinge upon our personal lives.
· Letter to My Daughter, from - Journey to Xibalba: A Life in Archaeology
        by Donald Patterson
Your mother says that I am not a good judge of character or anything that is Mexican.
· Blues Intuition
        by Hopalong, music and paintings
Listen to a fusion of blues and jazz by Mexican composer Hopalong with Victor Monterrubio, Ricardo Urbina and Freddy Thompson.
· Take A Photograph, Tomar Una Foto, Prendre Une Photo
        by Béa Aaronson
I extract from the precariousness of life.
· Paging Hezbollah: the Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
Lithium-ion batteries in smart phones, pagers, and other portable devices do not have a history of exploding.
· Crossword Puzzle - Hint Hint
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· Independencia juvenil
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
El hecho de que papá nunca diera explicaciones me convirtió en un oyente muy bueno, aunque ligeramente neurótico.
· «Barbarie, color, glamour y riesgo»: Saul Bellow en México
        por Philip Gambone
...un interés por el modo en que los grandes acontecimientos de la historia afectan a nuestras vidas personales.
· Carta a mi hija, de - Viaje a Xibalba: Una vida en la arqueología
        por Donald Patterson
Tu madre dice que no soy un buen juez del carácter ni de nada que sea mexicano.
· Blues Intuición
        por Hopalong, música y pintura
Escucha una fusión de blues y jazz del compositor mexicano Hopalong con Víctor Monterrubio, Ricardo Urbina y Freddy Thompson.
· Tomar Una Foto, To Take A Photograph, Prendre Une Photo
        por Béa Aaronson
Extraigo de la precariedad de la vida.
· Paging Hezbollah: La esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
Las baterías recargables de iones de litio de los teléfonos inteligentes, los localizadores y otros dispositivos no tienen antecedentes de explosión.
September 15
· The Promised Land
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
I recognized the relief, gratitude and surprise my people felt at being Jewish in America.
· Finding a Lost City: Chicomóztoc
        by Alberto Aveleyra
The most prominent feature of Cañada de la Virgen is the burial of two females.
· Ghosts
        by Pascual Hijuelos
The painting process is organic as well as spiritual.
· Rip Out Your Milkweed, Part Two
        by Ellen Sharp, text and photos
When we lead with energy from this higher self, we bring the same out in others.
· San Miguel's Living Room?
        by Keith Miller
As Oscar Wilde wrote, It was a spectacle of the inebriated in pursuit of the confused.
· Hurricane: NOT the Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
It is heartwarming to be a part of experiencing complete strangers being brought together by adverse circumstances.
· Aging Gracefully
        by Richard Adelman
Aging gracefully is a given for very few people. The rest of us require practice.
· Crossword Puzzle - It's a Zoo Out There
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· La tierra prometida
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
Reconocí el alivio, la gratitud y la sorpresa que mi gente sentía por ser judíos en Estados Unidos.
· En busca de una ciudad perdida: Chicomóztoc
        por Alberto Aveleyra
Lo más destacado de Cañada de la Virgen es el enterramiento de dos mujeres.
· Los fantasmas
        por Pascual Hijuelos
El proceso pictórico es orgánico y espiritual.
· Arranque su algodoncillo, segunda parte
        por Ellen Sharp
Cuando dirigimos con la energía de este yo superior, la misma hacemos aflorar en los demás.
· ¿La sala de San Miguel?
        por Keith Miller
Parafraseando a Oscar Wilde, fue un espectáculo de ebriedad en busca de la confusión.
· Huracán: NO la esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
Es enternecedor formar parte de la experiencia de unir a completos desconocidos por circunstancias adversas.
· Envejeciendo con gracia
        por Richard Adelman
Envejecer con gracia es un hecho para muy pocas personas. El resto necesitamos práctica para encarnarnos y volver a encarnarnos.
September 8
· Buy Low, Sell High
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
Feeling guilty, I called him back and gave him another $100 pesos.
· The Lover and Critic of Mexican Melodrama: Carlos Monsiváis
        by Philip Gambone
"To whom do you direct your trust when everything is for sale?"
· Meeting Giants
        by Henry Miller
...his face lined with the expressions of a man who'd overcome hardships.
· Rip Out Your Milkweed, Part One
        by Ellen Sharp, text and photos
Mexican authorities started speaking out against this misguided conservation practice.
· Mysterious Morphology, opening - Andrew Klein, Galería Blue Moon, Fri, Sept 13, 5-8pm
        by Andrew Klein
Like human beings, living plants, experience the full range of moods and emotions.
· Not Getting the Joke: The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
Humor and satire seem to be beyond the grasp of Artificial Intelligence.
· Crossword Puzzle - It's All About Me
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· Compre barato, venda caro
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
Sintiéndose culpable, le volví a llamar y le di otros 100 pesos.
· El amante y crítico del melodrama mexicano
Carlos Monsiváis

        por Philip Gambone
¿A quién dirigir la confianza cuando todo está en venta?».
· Conociendo gigantes
        por Henry Miller
...el rostro delineado con las expresiones de un hombre que había superado las penurias.
· Arranque su algodoncillo primera parte
        por Ellen Sharp, texto y fotos
Las autoridades mexicanas empezaron a denunciar esta práctica de conservación equivocada.
· Morfología misteriosa, inauguración - Andrew Klein, Galería Blue Moon, Vie, Sept 13, 5-8pm
        por Andrew Klein
Al igual que los seres humanos, las plantas vivas experimentan toda la gama de estados de ánimo y emociones.
· No entender el chiste
La esquina de la computadora

        por Charles Miller
El humor y la sátira es un ámbito que parece estar más allá del alcance de la IA.
September 1
· Mustard or Mayo?
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
Soil depletion is at the root of America's healthcare crisis.
· Incident in the Mill Creek Watershed
        by Donald Patterson
My initial thought was that I had broken ribs and they were puncturing my left lung.
· Watch For It! - Bob Gibson, photo opening, Sat, Sept 7, 11am-5pm, Photographic Gallery
        by Bob Gibson
...celebrating the creativity and drive of the musician.
· Walk Before You Run
        by Pascual Hijuelos
Abstraction means creating an experience without a narrative.
· Luis Felipe Nieto Gamiño, in memoriam
        by César Arias and Donald Patterson
It was a terrible injustice, a very hard blow for both researchers.
· Yui Sakamoto: Homage and Farewell, Fábrica Art Walk, Sat, Sept 7, 5-8pm
        by Margaret Failoni
Losing this young talent is unimaginable and heartbreaking for his family, friends and admirers.
· Blue Light, LED part 2 - The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
"Incandescent light bulbs lit the 20th century; the 21st century will be lit by LED lamps."
· Crossword Puzzle - It's Elementary
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· ¿Mostaza o mayonesa?
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
El agotamiento del suelo está en la raíz de la crisis sanitaria de Estados Unidos.
· Incidente en la cuenca de Mill Creek
        por Donald Patterson
Mi primer pensamiento fue que me había roto las costillas y que me estaban perforando el pulmón izquierdo.
· ¡Espéralo! - Bob Gibson, inauguración de fotos, Sab, 7 sep, 11am-5pm Photographic Gallery
        por Bob Gibson
...una celebración de la creatividad y el empuje del músico.
· Camina antes de correr
        por Pascual Hijuelos
Abstracción significa crear una experiencia sin una narrativa.
· Luis Felipe Nieto Gamiño, in memoriam
        por César Arias y Donald Patterson
Fue una terrible injusticia, un muy duro golpe para ambos investigadores.
· Yui Sakamoto: Homenaje y despedida, Paseo de Arte, Fábrica, Sáb. 7 de sep, 5-8pm
        por Margaret Failoni
La pérdida de este joven talento es inimaginable y desgarradora para su familia, amigos y admiradores.
· Luz azul, LED parte 2: la esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
«Las bombillas incandescentes iluminaron el siglo XX; el siglo XXI será iluminado por las lámparas LED».
August / Agosto 2024
August 25
· Adventures in Homemaking
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
People whose recent ancestors survived famine conserve calories better.
· The Liberated Spirit: Ancient Aztec Poetry
        by Philip Gambone
"Only he who comes under the divine influence, which scatters flowers and songs among men, is able to speak of 'truth on earth.'"
· Once Upon a Time In the Watershed
        by Donald Patterson
Felipe II had incurred considerable expense in his war with England.
· Mama Mía, Saturday Night, 1990
        by Keith Miller, occasional notes from his sketchbooks
Everyone was thrown together and ageism was mostly left at the door.
· Triumphant Will: Sinuhé Villegas
opening - Saturday, Aug 31, 4-7pm

His works explore inner demons and personal struggles.
· A New Light, part 1 - The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
The LED (Light-Emitting Diode) has transformed the world of illumination.
· Crossword Puzzle - Get It Off Me!
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· Aventuras en tareas domésticas
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
Las personas cuyos antepasados recientes sobrevivieron al hambre conservan mejor las calorías.
· El espíritu liberado: La antigua poesía azteca
        por Philip Gambone
«Sólo quien está bajo la influencia divina, que esparce flores y cantos entre los hombres, es capaz de hablar de 'la verdad en la tierra'».
· Érase una vez en la cuenca
        por Donald Patterson
Felipe II había incurrido en gastos considerables en su guerra con Inglaterra.
· Mama Mía, sábado por la noche, 1990
        por Keith Miller, notas ocasionales de sus cuadernos de bocetos
Todo el mundo estaba unido y la discriminación por edad se dejaba en la puerta.
· Voluntad Triunfante: Sinuhé Villegas
inauguración - sábado 31 de agosto, 4-7pm

Sus obras exploran los demonios interiores y las luchas personales.
· Una nueva luz, parte 1: la esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
El LED (diodo emisor de luz) ha transformado el mundo de la iluminación.
August 18
· Walking the Dog
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
Corresponding to my new apartment's panoramic vista, my psychological horizon is much wider.
· Birds of a Feather
        by Donald Patterson
I learned that these watersheds were part of the Central Flyway for the migration of neo-tropical birds.
· Ancient Symbols - Open Studio - Dawn Gaskill, Saturday, August 24
Its exquisite visual properties make it perhaps the most opulent paint ever known.
· Honoring the Legacy of Maia Williams
Maia celebrated love, laughter, friendship, equity, and kindness in all she did.
· Sanctuary for All: Angelitos Sanctuario
benefits - concert, Sat, Aug 24, - exhibition, Fri-Sun, Aug 30-Sept 1

        by Bobbi Palmer
A pack of eight burros also came to call.
· The Truth? - The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
No matter how much a software product ruins your life that the software maker has zero liability.
· Events, Aug. 18-24
        by Robert J Hawkins
Spend a day on the farm, check out cool cars, music, art, opera — just do it.
· Crossword Puzzle - First Aniversary
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· Paseando a la perra
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
Gracias a la vista panorámica de mi nuevo departamento, mi horizonte psicológico y espiritual es mucho más amplio.
· Aves de pluma
        por Donald Patterson
Supe que estas cuencas formaban parte de la ruta migratoria central de las aves neotropicales.
· Símbolos antiguos - Estudio Abierto - Dawn Gaskill, Sábado 24 de agosto
Sus exquisitas propiedades visuales la convierten quizá en la pintura más opulenta jamás conocida.
· Honrando el legado de Maia Williams
Maia celebró el amor, la risa, la amistad, la equidad y la amabilidad en todo lo que hizo.
· Santuario para todos: Santuario Angelitos
beneficio - concierto, sáb, 24 de ago, - exposición, vie-dom, 30 de ago-1 de sept

        por Bobbi Palmer
Una manada de ocho burros también llegó.
· ¿La verdad? - La esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
Por mucho que un producto de software le arruine la vida, el fabricante del software no tiene ninguna responsabilidad.
August 11
· Home At Last
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
No matter how magnanimous the individuals involved, living together has its trials.
· Langston Hughes in Mexico
        by Philip Gambone
"The fronts of the houses never tell anything about the beauty that may be within them."
· Eulogy for a Parrot
        by Yui Sakamoto, art and text
My bird was good friends with cats and iguanas.
· A Family Tradition: Hierbas
        by Rosario Casiano
They purchased or harvested themselves a complete assortment of the medicinal plants of our region.
· Connect to Be Happy: workshop, Thur-Sun, Aug. 22-25
        Master Oh, Korean energy master
He transmitted powerful energy to the crowd, and people were deeply moved.
· What Happened? - The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
Observing cause and effect is easy. Determining culpability is not so easy.
· Events, Aug. 11-17
        by Robert J Hawkins
Dance your worries away, walk for art, watch birds, catch Carmen, or step into the Office
· Crossword Puzzle - It's Not Bad
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· Al fin en casa
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
Por muy magnánimas que sean las personas implicadas, la convivencia tiene sus dificultades.
· Langston Hughes en México
        por Philip Gambone
"Las fachadas de las casas nunca dicen nada acerca de la belleza que puede haber dentro de ellas."
· Elegía para un loro
        por Yui Sakamoto, arte y texto
Mi pájaro fue buen amigo de los gato y las iguana.
· Una tradición familiar: Hierbas
        por Rosario Casiano
Compraban o cosechaban ellos mismos un surtido completo de las plantas medicinales de nuestra región.
· ¿Qué pasó? - La esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
Observar la causa y el efecto es fácil. Determinar la culpabilidad no lo es tanto.
August 4
· Fellini's Second Act
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
I hadn't been resident long enough to start knocking holes in walls.
· Why O'Neill Matters: Newly available film of a SMA production
        by Fredric Dannen
O'Neill emerged from the ordeal with a desire to live, and a resolve to become a playwright.
· Summer Groove, part 2: Sat. Aug. 10
        Chapel of Jimmy Ray
When I'm serious, people think I'm silly, and when I'm silly people, think I'm serious.
· Painting an Earthquake
        by Pascual Hijuelos
The exhibit focuses on the distress and devastation resulting from earthquakes.
· Journey to the Light: workshop, Thur-Sun, Aug. 22-25
        Master Oh, Korean energy master
As a child, Master Oh struggled with severe ill-health.
· A Prehispanic Sound Experience: Jadhex: concerts - Fri, Sat, Aug. 9, 10
        by Jared Jiménez and Ellen Sharp
"...recreating the sounds that our ancestors might have heard in ancient México."
· See It or Not: The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
You are already using Linux every day even though you might never have noticed.
· Crossword Puzzle - Humpty Dumpty Puzzle
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· El segundo acto de Fellini
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
Yo no había sido residente el tiempo suficiente para empezar a hacer agujeros en las paredes.
· Por qué importa O'Neill: Película recién estrenada de una producción de SMA
        por Fredric Dannen
O'Neill salió de la terrible experiencia con ganas de vivir y decidido a convertirse en dramaturgo.
· Ritmo de verano, parte 2 - Sab. 10 de agosto
        Capilla de Jimmy Ray
Cuando hablo en serio, la gente piensa que soy tonto, y cuando hablo tonto, la gente piensa que hablo en serio.
· Pintando un terremoto
        por Pascual Hijuelos
La exposición se centra en la angustia y la devastación resultante de los terremotos.
· Viaje hacia la luz - taller, 22-25 de agosto
        Master Oh, embajador de la felicidad y maestro espiritual
Durante su infancia Master Oh padeció graves problemas de salud.
· Una Experiencia Sonora Prehispánica: Jadhex - conciertos - 9, 10 de agosto
        por Jared Jiménez y Ellen Sharp
"...hacer un acercamiento a los sonidos que nuestros antepasados escuchaban en México."
· Lo veas o no: La esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
Ya estás utilizando Linux todos los días aunque nunca te hayas dado cuenta.
July / Julio 2024
July 28
· A New Start
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
"The business of making movies is like a ferris wheel; sometimes you're up; sometimes you're down."
· Mexico's "cultural caudillo": José Vasconcelos and La raza cósmica
        by Philip Gambone
"It is not quite fashionable to praise Vasconcelos in Mexico these days."
· The Devil's Lawyer
        by Henry Vermillion
The locked door was opened, and the pizza man opened fire.
· Terrae Motus - opening Sat. Aug. 3, Fábrica Aurora Art Walk
        Galería Intersecciones
Photography is just that, an effort to subvert reality, to extricate ourselves from the zone of cultural peace...
· Summer Groove - openings, Sat. Aug. 10
        Chapel of Jimmy Ray
There are marauders on the horizon, obtrusive thought bubbles about handsome sailors...
· The "Internet Outage": The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
The fact that I was effortlessly able to pull up every news web site I tried allayed my fears.
· Crossword Puzzle - Over the Rainbow
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· Un nuevo comienzo
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
"El negocio de hacer películas es como una noria; a veces estás arriba, a veces estás abajo.".
· El "caudillo cultural" de México: José Vasconcelos y La raza cósmica
        por Philip Gambone
"Hoy en día no está de moda elogiar a Vasconcelos en México".
· El Abogado del Diablo
        por Henry Vermillion
La puerta se abrió y el pizzero abrió fuego.
· Terrae Motus - inauguración, sábado 3 de agosto, Fábrica Aurora
        Galería Intersecciones
La fotografía como acto es eso, invertir esfuerzos en subvertir la realidad.
· Ritmo de verano - sábado 10 de agosto
        Capilla de Jimmy Ray
Hay merodeadores en el horizonte, burbujas de pensamiento molestas sobre apuestos marineros.
· La interrupción del Internet: La esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
El hecho de que pudiera acceder sin esfuerzo a todos los sitios web de noticias que probé disipó mis temores.
July 21
· Darkness on the Edge of Town
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
We humans have reassuring hormones that the brain only produces when we are in company.
· Bones Time
        by Béa Aaronson, text and art
I loose myself towards an absurd light.
· Nothing Lasts Forever
        by Pascual Hijuelos
We were not looking for a retirement village.
· Strange Lights, Deadly Floods
        by Natalie Taylor
The torrent carried rocks, trees, animals, and anything it scooped up along its way.
· Celebrating those classics of French cuisine. At Salvages.
        by Don Day
So much of classic French Cuisine is heavy, rich, filling and, to me, irresistible.
· Playing Fast: The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
...making sure that every visitor had enough speed allocated to them but not more than they needed...
· Crossword Puzzle - It Bears Repeating
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· Oscuridad en el borde del pueblo
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
Los seres humanos tenemos hormonas tranquilizadoras que el cerebro sólo produce cuando estamos en compañía de otros.
· En el tiempo de los huesos
        por Béa Aaronson, texto y arte
Derivamos hacia una luz absurda.
· Nada dura para siempre
        por Pascual Hijuelos
No buscábamos un pueblo para jubilados.
· Luces extrañas, inundaciones mortales
        por Natalie Taylor
El torrente arrastró piedras, árboles, animales y todo lo que recogió en su camino.
· Jugando rápido: La esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
...asegurándose de que cada visitante tuviera suficiente velocidad asignada, pero no más...
July 14
· Moving On Up
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
My romance with substandard housing continued in various farmhouses around the University of Connecticut.
· Ilan Stavans: the "non-Mexican Mexican"
        by Philip Gambone
"I wanted to have inexhaustible, labyrinthine libraries around me, where I could get lost."
· The Blink of an Eye - exhibition, through August 25
        by Peter A Davis
This alchemy creates the beauty, tension, and magic that make us human.
· Predictable but Completely Unexpected: Water
        by Mary Jane Miller, text and icons
The community members lit incense and said a few words of praise for the coming rain.
· Scooter and MoonPie
        by Britt Zaist
It was snail mail, envelops with their precious photographs inside.
· Hurry Up and Wait: The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
By his calculations his new car should be able to travel from Fabrica Aurora to City Market in 27 seconds.
· Crossword Puzzle - A Few Extremes
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· Movilidad social
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
Mi romance con las infraviviendas continuó en varias granjas de los alrededores de la Universidad de Connecticut.
· Ilan Stavans: el "Mexicano no mexicano"
        por Philip Gambone
"Quería tener a mi alrededor bibliotecas inagotables y laberínticas, donde pudiera perderme".
· El parpadeo de un ojo - exhibición, hasta el 25 de agosto
        por Peter A Davis
Esta alquimia crea la belleza, la tensión y la magia que nos hacen humanos.
· Previsible pero completamente inesperado: Agua
        por Mary Jane Miller, texto e íconos
Los miembros de la comunidad encendieron incienso y pronunciaron unas palabras de alabanza por la llegada de la lluvia.
· Scooter y MoonPie
        por Britt Zaist
Entonces era correo postal con sus preciosas fotos dentro.
· Date prisa y espera: La esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
Según sus cálculos, su nuevo coche debería ser capaz de recorrer desde Fábrica Aurora a City Market en 27 segundos.
July 7
· 90% Imagination
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
I feel as though I am living under a bridge. This place has gone ghetto.
· The Insult of Biden's "Age"
        by Richard Adelman
This way of framing the issue is misleading.
· Juana and the Jaguar - photographic opening, Friday, July 12
        by Florence Leyret
Taking portraits of artisans in their workspaces is always challenging.
· Polyphony
        by Pascual Hijuelos
As a child I had the good fortune to be part of an all-male choir.
· What Music Is - Sunday evening concerts
        by Bobby Kapp
Anything we do do makes some sort of sound, if we pay attention.
· Liberty Bell: The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
Had the owner saved the original box the computer would have most likely survived its trip unbroken.
· Astrology: New Moon in Cancer
        by Juanita Benedicto
We just have to participate by exercising discipline and following our inner wisdom.
· Crossword Puzzle - By the Way
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· 90% Imaginación
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
Me siento como si viviera debajo de un puente. Este lugar se ha convertido en un gueto.
· El insulto de la "edad" de Biden
        por Richard Adelman
Esta forma de plantear la cuestión es engañosa.
· Juana y el jaguar - inauguración fotografía, Viernes 12 de julio
        por Florence Leyret
Tomar retratos de artesanos en sus lugares de trabajo siempre es un desafío.
· Polifonía
        por Pascual Hijuelos
De niño tuve la suerte de ser parte de un coro de hombres.
· La Campana de la Libertad: La esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
Si el propietario hubiera guardado la caja original, lo más probable es que el ordenador hubiera sobrevivido intacto al viaje.
June 30
· Up Close and Impersonal
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
You only have to suffer their presence for a short while. They have to live with themselves.
· John Reed: A "romantic revolutionary" in Mexico
        by Philip Gambone
"All we have ever wanted was to be let alone to live and to work, and we are tired and sick of being cheated."
· The Enigma of J.S. Bach -- World-class, five-day Bach festival, July 3-7
        by Fredric Dannen
"The lack of an opera house was a disaster at that time for a composer with any pretensions."
· Old Dogs are Best
        by Britt Zaist, text and drawings
At 28-years-old, I had no idea of the changes that occur as you approach 80.
· Spooky Tales of San Miguel
        by Natalie Taylor
A man in town felt brave enough to confront the headless horseman when he heard the distant sound of hooves.
· Stupid Computer: The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
Even though she "didn't think it was important" to give me her correct address, her bank did think it was very important.
· What a week - SMA events June 30 to July 6
        by Robert Hawkins
As always, this is just the tip of the tortilla.
· Crossword Puzzle - Movie Night
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· De cerca e impersonal
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
Sólo tienes que sufrir su presencia por poco tiempo. Ellos tienen que vivir consigo mismos.
· John Reed: Un "revolucionario romántico" en México
        por Philip Gambone
"Todo lo que siempre hemos querido es que nos dejen vivir y trabajar y estamos cansados y hartos de que nos engañen".
· El enigma de J.S. Bach -- Festival Bach, 3-7 de julio
        por Fredric Dannen
"La falta de un teatro de ópera era un desastre en aquella época para un compositor con pretensiones".
· Los perros viejos son los mejores
        por Britt Zaist, texto y dibujos
A los 28 años, no tenía ni idea de los cambios que se producen cuando te acercas a los 80.
· Cuentos Espeluznantes de San Miguel
        por Natalie Taylor
Un hombre de San Miguel se sintió lo suficientemente escéptico y valiente como para enfrentarse al jinete sin cabeza cuando escuchó el sonido lejano de unos cascos.
· Computadora estúpida: La esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
Aunque "no creía que fuera importante" darme su dirección correcta, su banco sí creía que era muy importante.
June / Junio 2024
June 23
· Boom,Boom,Boom
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
Except for me and my tattooed companion, no doubt making his way home from a lucky previous evening out, the streets are deserted.
· The Best View in Town
        by Todd Barnett
After my first trip I stumbled upon a watercolor on eBay of the Parroquia viewed from Aldama.
· We Come to the Sea and Go to the Desert
        by Patricia Argüello Melgar
Their prayers inspire them to find the strength and collective tenacity to fulfill their ancestral traditions.
· The Power of Color
        by Pascual Hijuelos
This innovation allowed artists to use color emotionally as well as conceptually.
· Artificial Intelligence
        by Béa Aaronson
Consequences? / Who thinks about consequences?
· Wild-Ass Guess: The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
Modern science has yet to discover any 100% accurate methods to predict how much electrical power is stored in a battery.
· Crossword Puzzle - Feline Few
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· Boom,boom,boom
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
Estas fiestas son un estallido exagerado. Pero algo profundo está estallando.
· La mejor vista en la ciudad
        por Todd Barnett
Después de mi primer viaje, encontré en eBay una acuarela de la Parroquia vista desde Aldama.
· Venimos al mar y vamos al desierto
        por Patricia Argüello Melgar
Sus plegarias los inspiran para encontrar la fuerza y tenacidad colectiva para cumplir con sus tradiciones ancestrales.
· El poder del color
        por Pascual Hijuelos
Esta innovación permitió a los artistas usar el color emocionalmente así como conceptualmente.
· Conjetura loca: La esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
La ciencia moderna aún no ha descubierto ningún método 100% preciso para predecir cuánta energía eléctrica se almacena en una batería.
June 16
· Where the Money Is
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
Thank you Big Tech, but we don't need your pinche algorithm. We will present our own city to the planet.
· Part Heaven, Part Hell: The Mexican Poems of Malcolm Lowry
        by Philip Gambone
God's vast despair at man's savagery, vanity, and indifference.
· Lulu's Mannequin Lounge: A New Body of Art - Pop-up exhibit, Sunday, June 23
        by Karen Langdon
"I never envisioned living an artist's life."
· Cardinal
        by Britt Zaist
They said he was like Ferdinand, the Bull with the Delicate Ego.
· The Cure
        by Alejandro Anaya
Get on with our projects because life is short.
· That's Chinese to Me: The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
The internet speaks many languages.
· Los Locos Unmasked: Like You've Never Seen It (2022)
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
Each truck contains enough speakers to amplify a concert at a mid-sized arena.
· Crossword Puzzle - A Few Of
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· Es donde está el dinero
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
Gracias Big Tech, pero no necesitamos su pinche algoritmo. Presentaremos nuestra propia ciudad al planeta.
· Parte cielo, parte infierno: los poemas mexicanos de Malcolm Lowry
        por Philip Gambone
"Aunque Lowry conocía el Cielo, conocía mejor el Infierno".
· Sala de maniquíes de LuLu: Un nuevo cuerpo de arte - exposición temporal, Domingo 23 de junio
        por Karen Langdon
"Antes de retirarme y mudarme a San Miguel en 2019, nunca imaginé vivir la vida de una artista".
· Cardenal
        por Britt Zaist
Dijeron que era como Ferdinand, el Toro con el Ego Delicado.
· La Cura
        por Alejandro Anaya
Seguir con nuestros proyectos porque la vida es corta.
· Eso es chino para mí: La esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
El Internet habla muchos idiomas.
June 9
· Helping the Help
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
"How can I tell you what to do? Go make your own mistakes."
· Life without Water: Look to the Light
        by Mary Jane Miller
When we let ourselves be loved by the creator and creation, we come to know the unending magnitude of our existence.
· Small is Big
        by Nory Oxenberg
Lokkal is a macro-foundation, a big brother or sister, taking care of our smaller siblings.
· San Miguel de Allende: the soul of Mexico: The Arts, part 2, from the book
        by Cathi and Steven House
Coming into town never lacks moments of incredulity, sometimes quiet, sometimes filled with all the energies of a place well-loved.
· That Unique Feeling of Discovery
        by Pascual Hijuelos
I have always been intrigued by the past.
· The Forever Internet: The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
Before you post anything you might regret later, remember the internet is forever.
· Crossword Puzzle - Sweet Stuff
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· Ayudando los ayudantes
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
"¿Cómo puedo decirte qué hacer? Ve a cometer tus propios errores".
· Vida sin Agua: Mirar a la Luz
        por Mary Jane Miller
Cuando nos dejamos amar por el creador y la creación, llegamos a conocer la magnitud interminable de nuestra existencia.
· Pequeño es grande
        por Nory Oxenberg
Lokkal es una macro-fundación, un hermano o hermana mayor, cuidando de nuestros hermanos más pequeños.
· San Miguel de Allende: el alma de México: Las artes, parte 2, del libro
        por Cathi and Steven House
Llegar a la ciudad nunca carece de momentos de incredulidad, a veces tranquilo, a veces lleno de todas las energías de un lugar muy querido.
· Esa sensación única de descubrimiento
        por Pascual Hijuelos
Siempre me ha intrigado el pasado.
· El Internet es para siempre: La esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
Antes de publicar algo de lo que pueda lamentar más tarde, recuerde que Internet es para siempre.
June 2
· A Tale of Five Editors
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
With a professional eye it's easy to see that they haven't got a clue.
· Walt Whitman: ¿"Racista, Imperialista, Antimexicano"?
        by Philip Gambone
Whitman, world citizen and the champion of democracy, fell into line with the rampant nationalism of the day.
· Cabooses
        by John Dodge Meyer
Just as we turned and cocked our arms to let loose, we saw him!
· Kermit, Texas
        by Henry Vermillion
Roy Bean liked to call himself "The Hanging Judge."
· Slow Food Won in Oaxaca
        from Facebook
"The time spent on preparing the traditional Oaxaca food... elevates our quality of life."
· Sticky Fingers: The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
Your biometrics are subject to being leaked onto the dark web and made available to cybercrooks.
· Crossword Puzzle - It's Mid-Year
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· Una historia de cinco editores
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
Con un ojo profesional es fácil ver que no tienen ni idea.
· Walt Whitman: ¿"Racista, Imperialista, Antimexicano"?
        por Philip Gambone
Whitman, ciudadano del mundo y campeón de la democracia, se alineara con el nacionalismo rampante de la época.
· Vagones de cola
        por John Dodge Meyer
Justo cuando nos volteamos y amartillamos nuestros brazos para soltarnos, ¡lo vimos!
· Kermit, Texas
        por Henry Vermillion
El juez Roy Bean le gustaba llamarse a sí mismo "el juez de la horca".
· Comida lenta ganó en Oaxaca
        de Facebook
"El tiempo que se invierte en la preparación de la comida tradicional de Oaxaca... eleva nuestra calidad de vida".
· Mano larga: La esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
Tus datos biométricos están sujetos a ser filtrados a la web oscura y puestos a disposición de los ciberdelincuentes.
May / Mayo 2024
May 26
· Before a Fall
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
Pride going before a fall, I expect more humility from someone getting up off the ground.
· Baking on the Dharma Path: The Chocolate Maven
        by Judyth Hill
My hands know dough. And my body knows do. Always did. Still does.
· Beauty Among the Ruins, Jo Anderson Brenzo - opening, Sat. May 25, 12-6pm, Photographic Gallery
        by Jo Brenzo, photos and text
Photographing Jaral de Berrio has been my most significant artistic adventure.
· 40 Hours in the Jungle
        by Marni Hills
That trip turned out to be much less than the "enchanted rainforest adventure" I envisioned.
· Elusive Moments
        by Pascual Hijuelos
We are living in a period of uncertainty.
· Hands to Art Exhibition
        by Alejandro Anaya
"When we grow up, we often lose creativity and the freedom to express ourselves."
· Take Off Your Hat: The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
John then thought he could just install the required bank app on his wife's phone.
· Robert's Picks: happenings May 26-June 1
        by Robert J Hawkins
The American Legion is holding a Memorial Day party: free entrance, food, entertainment and a swimming pool.
· Crossword Puzzle - Blue and Yellow Partner
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· Antes de una caída
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
El orgullo va antes de una caída, espero más humildad de alguien levantándose del suelo.
· Belleza entre las ruinas, Jo Anderson Brenzo - inauguración, Sáb. 25 de mayo
        por Jo Brenzo, fotos y texto
Fotografiar Jaral de Berrio ha sido mi aventura artística más significativa.
· 40 horas en la selva
        por Marni Hills
Ese viaje resultó ser mucho menos que la "aventura de la selva encantada" que imaginé.
· Momentos elusivos
        por Pascual Hijuelos
Estamos viviendo en un período de incertidumbre.
· Exposición Manos al Arte
        por Alejandro Anaya
"Cuando crecemos, a menudo perdemos la creatividad y la libertad de expresarnos".
· Quítese el sombrero; La esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
John pensó que podía instalar la aplicación bancaria requerida en el teléfono de su esposa.
May 19
· Home Invasion
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
It's been like living inside of one of those puzzles whose irregular pieces fit only one way back into the box.
· The Cosmic Vigor of Mexico; Victor Serge's Unforgiving Years
        by Philip Gambone
...have found a kind of solace in the "primeval voluptuousness and innocent cruelty" of the land.
· Gallery Etiquette; 5 Surefire Ways to Annoy a Gallery
        by Sylvia White
Fixate on your goal, not your fantasy.
· Hues
        by Alejandro Anaya
...a life that we can appreciate only when we take a few steps back to observe it as a whole.
· Art of the Biblioteca
        by Natalie Taylor
She suffered the fate of other women artists in being overshadowed by men.
· Something You Know: The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
"What is the name of a college you applied to but didn't attend?"
· Robert's Picks: happenings May 19-25
        by Robert J Hawkins
Who doesn’t love a parade... or three?
· Crossword Puzzle - It Springs Eternal
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· Invasión de casa
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
Ha sido como vivir dentro de uno de esos rompecabezas cuyas piezas irregulares encajan sólo de una manera en la caja.
· El vigor cósmico de México; Años sin perdón de Victor Serge
        por Philip Gambone
...han encontrado una especie de consuelo en la "voluptuosidad primitiva y crueldad inocente" de la tierra.
· Reglas de etiqueta en una galería; 5 maneras seguras de molestar a una galería
        por Sylvia White
Concéntrate en tu objetivo, no en tu fantasía.
· Matices
        por Alejandro Anaya
...una vida que solo podemos apreciar cuando damos unos pasos hacia atrás para observarla en su conjunto.
· El Arte de la Biblioteca
        por Natalie Taylor
Sufrió el destino de otras artistas al ser eclipsada por los hombres.
· Algo que tú sabes; La esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
"¿Cuál es el nombre de una Universidad a la que solicitó entrar pero no asistió?"
May 12
· End of an Era
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
On top of having my childhood emotional traumas triggered, my home greatly discombobulated, and B waging psychological warfare against me...
· ¡Guadalajara, Guadalajara!, opening - HEALY contemporáneo, Saturday, May 18, 5-7pm
        by Michael Healy
Shown in over 120 exhibitions throughout Mexico, the United State, Europe and United Emirates.
· National Cheese and Wine Fair, Wine and Cheese, Please: Epicurean Delights, May 10-26
        by Karen Langdon
"A fantastic opportunity to learn about and taste the best cheeses made within two hours of SMA."
· The Dark Ages
        by Pascual Hijuelos
It is said that creativity is the opposite end of the scale to rationality.
· And San Miguel's favorite restaurant is...
        Don Day
Their pastrami sandwich is like a magnet to my tongue.
· In Praise of the Naturalist
        by Aaron S. Reisfield
There is not a lot of high-mindedness in Nature.
· Hopping the Turnstile: The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
I objected to having some unknown manufacturer under the control of the Chinese Communist Party having my fingerprints.
· Robert's Picks: happenings May 12-19
        by Robert J Hawkins
A maiz-ing grace, aka Festival of Santa Cruz del Valle del Maíz
· Crossword Puzzle - Oldfangled Puzzle
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· Fin de una era
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
Además de desencadenar mis traumas emocionales de la infancia, mi hogar se incomodó enormemente, y B librando una guerra psicológica contra mí...
· ¡Guadalajara, Guadalajara!, inauguración - HEALY contemporáneo, Sábado 18 de mayo, 5-7pm
        por Michael Healy
Ha sido exhibida en más de 120 exposiciones en México, Estados Unidos, Europa y Emiratos Árabes Unidos.
· Feria Nacional del Queso y el Vino: delicias epicúreas, 10-26 de mayo
        por Karen Langdon
"Es una oportunidad única para conocer a tantos fabricantes de queso y productores de vino en un mismo lugar".
· El Oscurantismo
        por Pascual Hijuelos
Se dice que la creatividad es el extremo opuesto a la racionalidad.
· Saltando sobre el torniquete: La esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
Me opuse a tener algún fabricante desconocido bajo el control del Partido Comunista de China tener mis huellas dactilares.
May 5
· Low Season
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
Buffalo Springfield is an odd name as it was the Springfield rifle that killed so many buffalo.
· San Miguel de Allende: the soul of Mexico, The Arts, part 1, from the book
        by Cathi and Steven House
Whatever the source it is passionate and heartfelt and fills us with more love.
· 50 Best Bars - Revealed!
        by Marni Hills
This year's North America's 50 Best Bars list is bursting with Mexican brilliance!
· Ayahuasca Ceremony with Juan Carlos Taminchi
        by Martín Buen Viaje
He is dedicated to maintaining these rituals as they have been practiced for thousands of years.
· The Coast, a Novel - Chapter One: The Island
        Tony Cohan
She had borne her deepest secret to the grave.
· Basil / Ocimum basilicum: Avant-Garde Aromatica
        by Aaron S. Reisfield
Life is for us an ever-changing dynamic story of live interest.
· Never Never Land: The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
Online criminals try to evoke fear of losing something, in this case your Facebook account.
· Robert's Picks: happenings May 5-11
        by Robert J Hawkins
Celebrations are breaking out all over San Miguel this week.
· Crossword Puzzle - The Bad, the Good, and the Pesty
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· Temporada Baja
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
Buffalo Springfield es un nombre extraño ya que fue el rifle Springfield el que mató a tantos búfalos.
· San Miguel de Allende: el alma de México, Las artes, parte 1, del libro
        por Cathi and Steven House
Sea cual sea la fuente es apasionada y sincera y nos llena de más amor.
· ¡50 mejores bares - revelados!
        por Marni Hills
¡La lista de los 50 mejores bares de Norteamérica de este año está llena de brillantez mexicana!
· Ceremonia Ayahuasca por Juan Carlos Taminchi
        por Martín Buen Viaje
Se dedica a mantener estos rituales tal como se han practicado durante miles de años.
· La Tierra del nunca nunca jamás: La esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
Los criminales en línea tratan de evocar el miedo de perder algo, en este caso tu cuenta de Facebook.
April / Abril 2024
April 28
· Season of Freedom
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
Today our microscopes glimpse miracles more wondrous than the Splitting of the Red Sea.
· "Always some chance of salvation": The Mexican Essays of Katherine Anne Porter
        by Philip Gambone
...the wounded hearts of the poor, which she felt beating "like a great volcano under the earth."
· Sensuous Abstractions, Pascual Hijuelos - opening Fabrica Aurora Art Walk, Saturday, May 4
        by Margaret Failoni
...the hard edge geometric shapes have given way to soft and equally dramatic curves.
· My Life as a Collage
        by Béa Aaronson
...a fever of hieroglyphic shapes for the heart and the mind to decipher.
· This Blogger is Old
        Alfredo Lanier
We have far more friends than we ever did in Chicago even after living there for 30 years.
· Hollywood's Mexican Cowgirl
        by Joseph Toone
Katy entered the international market when spotted by John Wayne at a bullfight.
· Fool-proof: the Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
Never, never, never, never, never, ever click on links in emails!
· Robert's Picks: happenings April 28 – May 4
        by Robert J Hawkins
Fireworks and Derby Day, oy vey!
· Crossword Puzzle - Begin Again
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· Temporada de libertad
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
Hoy nuestros microscopios vislumbran milagros más más maravillosos que la división del Mar Rojo.
· "Siempre una oportunidad de salvación": Los ensayos mexicanos de Katherine Anne Porter
        por Philip Gambone
...los corazones heridos de los pobres, que sentía latir "como un gran volcán bajo la tierra".
· Abstracciones sensuales, Pascual Hijuelos - inauguración Fabrica Aurora Paseo de Arte, Sábado 4 de mayo
        por Margaret Failoni
Las formas geométricas de bordes duros han dado paso a curvas suaves e igualmente dramáticas.
· Mi vida como un collage, parte 3
        por Béa Aaronson
...crea una fiebre de formas jeroglíficas para que el corazón y la mente descifren.
· A prueba de tontos: la esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
¡Nunca, nunca, nunca, nunca, nunca, hacer clic en enlaces en correos electrónicos!
April 21
· I Confess
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
Certainly, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you will allow that there have been extenuating circumstances.
· "The Future is Brown": The Odyssey of Richard Rodriguez
        by Philip Gambone
"I stay in the church because the church is more than its ignorance; the church gives me more than it denies me. I stay in the church because it is mine."
· Living With the Ancestors, Desiderio Hernández Xochitiotzin, muralist
        by Patricia Argüello Melgar
"In my long journey, I have found five loves that human beings should keep as the most precious..."
· Grounding: Earth Day / Every Day
        by Marni Hills
Your body, like a tuning fork, vibrates in harmony with the earth's magnetic resonance.
· Cocktail Connoisseurs Convene, 50 Best Bars Returns
        by Marni Hills
This prestigious list isn't swayed by brand names or popularity, but by the magic that unfolds when you pull up a barstool.
· Tree of Life, Full Moon salon/concert, Wednesday, April 24, 7-10pm
        by Veronica Genta
Our students, along with their parents come from all over the world.
· A woman. A passion. A restaurant.
        by Don Day
They take so much pride and have so much passion for what they were putting on plates.
· Sometimes You Win
        by Luisa Ruiz
I can count the number of times that I have gone to bed and not fallen asleep immediately on two hands.
· Say It Ain't So, The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
The 1919 Black Sox scandal rocked the sports world when a group of players were accused of "fixing" the World Series.
· Robert's Picks: happenings April 21-27
        by Robert J Hawkins
Kids and horses and music, too... plenty to do.
· Crossword Puzzle - Pull the Other One
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· Yo confieso
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
Pero ciertamente, damas y caballeros del jurado, permitirán que haya habido circunstancias atenuantes. Y que confiese debe contar para algo, ¿no?
· "El futuro es marrón": La odisea de Richard Rodríguez
        por Philip Gambone
Me quedo en la iglesia porque la iglesia es más que su ignorancia; la iglesia me da más de lo que me niega. Me quedo en la iglesia porque es mía".
· Convivencia con los antepasados, Desiderio Hernández Xochitiotzin, muralista
        por Patricia Argüello Melgar
"En mi caminar, largo ya, he encontrado cinco amores que los seres humanos debemos de guardar como lo más preciado..."
· Conexión a tierra: Día de la Tierra / Todos los días
        por Marni Hills
Tu cuerpo, como un diapasón, vibra en armonía con la resonancia magnética de la tierra.
· Reunión de conocedores de cocteles, Regresa 50 mejores bares
        por Marni Hills
Esta prestigiosa lista no está influenciada por nombres de marca o popularidad, sino por la magia que se despliega cuando mueves el banco al bar.
· Árbol de Vida, Salón-concierto de luna llena, miércoles 24 de abril 7-10pm
        por Veronica Genta
Nuestros estudiantes, junto con sus padres vienen de todas partes del mundo.
· A veces ganas
        por Luisa Ruiz
Puedo contar el número de veces que me he ido a la cama y no me he dormido inmediatamente.
· Di que no es así, La esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
El escándalo de los Black Sox de 1919 sacudió el mundo del deporte cuando un grupo de jugadores fueron acusados de "arreglar" la Serie Mundial.
April 14
· Swimming Along
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
These days, my mantra, my Zen koan, is, "What were you expecting?" Where did I think that I would be at 66 years old?
· The "Audacious Beauty" of Sor Juana's Poetry
        by Philip Gambone
She imagines herself as Icarus, plunged into the sea by the burning passion she feels.
· Way, Way, Way More: Than an Introduction to This Poem
        by Judyth Hill
It's the secret destination of all travel, all the love we think lost.
· Hear Here
        by Bill Harrison
I can't see worth a damn, but I have exceptionally fine hearing.
· Mindscapes: One Year of Wanderlust, Katrina Cobb - opening - Friday, April 19
We feel a reflection of the roles we embrace and the continuous cycle of reinvention that defines us.
· Another Eclipse
        by Luisa Ruiz
Not quite so stately as the sun and moon danced together I danced my stuff across town.
· Getting It Wrong
        by Charles Miller
Reluctantly being able to admit its error is a sign of its programming evolving.
· Crossword Puzzle - Measure Up
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· Nadando a mis anchas
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
En estos días, mi mantra, mi koan zen, es: "¿Qué esperabas?" ¿Dónde pensé que estaría a los 66 años?
· La "belleza audaz" de la poesía de Sor Juana
        por Philip Gambone
Se imagina a sí misma como Ícaro, sumergida en el mar por la ardiente pasión que siente.
· Escuche aquí
        por Bill Harrison
No puedo ver bien, pero tengo una audición excepcionalmente buena.
· Paisajes mentales: Un año de espíritu viajero, Katrina Cobb - inauguración - viernes, 19 de abril
Sentimos un reflejo de los roles que abrazamos y el ciclo continuo de reinvención que nos define.
· Un nuevo eclipse
        por Luisa Ruiz
Tal vez no tan majestuoso como el sol y la luna bailaron juntos bailé con mis cosas al otro lado de la ciudad.
April 7
· Veganism
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
An idealogue is someone who is not confused by the facts, someone who doesn't ask the hard questions.
· The "Tenth Muse" of México: Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
        by Philip Gambone
Sor Juana's consummate artistry did not insulate her from the envy, fear, misogyny, jealousy, and mistrust of many of her contemporaries.
· Those Who Dance, Josephine Sacabo - photo opening - Saturday, April 13, 12-5pm
        Photographic Gallery
Her images transfer the viewer into a world of constructed beauty.
· Awaken Your Inner Dragon, Judith Jenya - talk - Salon Camino Silvestre, Saturday, April 13
        by Judith Jenya
A vision is a unique gift that only you can bring to fruition.
· House of love: How a pair of architects use their work and travels to keep their marriage strong
        House + House
All you could see of the village 1,000 feet up the cliff was a row of lights that looked like stars had gathered into a line.
· Two Very Different Holy Week Events
        by Luisa Ruiz
As they only made t-shirts for themselves, eventually they took those off and sold them.
· Lights Out
        by Charles Miller
"Why is the light still on in the kitchen?"
· Robert's Picks: happenings April 7-13
        by Robert J Hawkins
Getting mooned is only some of the fun.
· Crossword Puzzle - Hubba hubba
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· Veganismo
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
Un ideólogo es alguien que no está confundido por los hechos, alguien que no hace las preguntas difíciles.
· La "décima musa" de México: Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
        por Philip Gambone
El arte consumado de Sor Juana no la aislaba de la envidia, el miedo, la misoginia, los celos y la desconfianza de muchos de sus contemporáneos.
· Los que bailan, Josephine Sacabo - inauguración, fotos - Sábado 13 de Abril, 12-5pm
        Photographic Gallery
Sus imágenes transfieren al espectador a un mundo de belleza construida.
· Casa del amor: Cómo un par de arquitectos utilizan su trabajo y viajes para mantener su matrimonio fortalecido
        House + House
Todo lo que se podía ver del pueblo 1.000 pies arriba del acantilado era una fila de luces que parecían estrellas que se habían reunido en una línea.
· Dos eventos muy diferentes de Semana Santa
        por Luisa Ruiz
Como solo hacen camisetas para ellos, finalmente se las quitaron y las vendieron.
· Apaga la luz: La esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
"¿Por qué la luz sigue encendida en la cocina?"
March 31
· End of Season
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
Everything slows down, like growing old or taking a day trip to the country.
· The "Incurable Democrat": Michael Harrington in Mexico
        by Philip Gambone
"Society holds together precisely because those on the bottom are socialized, ideologized and repressed into accepting the intolerable."
· International Artists in Residence; opening - Friday, April 5, 5-9pm
The work they have created will be presented at Kuna Galería.
· Friday of Sorrows
        by Luisa Ruiz
I saw many people giving away flavored waters, ice cream, popsicles and chilacayote.
· Beauty in the Balance, Sharon Whitham, Monotypes, Mixed Media, opening - Friday, April 5, 5-8pm
I am forever enthralled with the kind and beautiful nature of the Mexican people.
· La Frontera
        by Tony Cohan
Geography is fate, I thought.
· Fil Formicola; New York to San Miguel, Fil Meets Hopalong in Concert - Saturday, April 6
It was a fascinating experience to find out at that young age that I had a voice and that I had a feeling for it.
· Nickels and Dimes
        by Charles Miller
Everything you do online will have a cost attached to it and you will pay for it as you use it.
· Robert's Picks: happenings March 31-April 6
        by Robert J Hawkins
If you haven't been, you owe it to yourself to go see the Exploding Judases
· Crossword Puzzle - A Long Way From the Tree
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· Fin de temporada
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
Todo se ralentiza, como envejecer o hacer un viaje de un día al campo.
· El "demócrata incurable": Michael Harrington en México
        por Philip Gambone
"Una sociedad se mantiene unida precisamente porque los de abajo están socializados, ideologizados y reprimidos para aceptar lo intolerable".
· Artistas internacionales en residencia; inauguración - Viernes, 5 de abril
Los resultados serán expuestos en Galería Kuna.
· Viernes de Dolores
        por Luisa Ruiz
Me tocó ver a muchas personas regalando aguas de sabores, nieves, paletas y dulce de chilacayote.
· Belleza en el equilibrio, Sharon Whitham - Monotipos, medios mixtos - inauguración - viernes, 5 de abril
Estoy siempre cautivada con la naturaleza amable y hermosa del pueblo mexicano
· Monedas de cinco centavos: La esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
Todo lo que haga en línea tendrá un costo asociado a ella y usted pagará conforme usted lo utilice.
March / Marzo 2024
March 24
· Row Your Boat
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
Let me leave off this philosophizing and put my back into the effort.
· Juan Rulfo: "The DNA of Mexicanidad"
        by Philip Gambone
"In my life there are many silences. In my writing, too"
· Fashion: Upcycled, Embroidered, Mexicano - Golden Lola
        by Marni Hills
At INTERMODA they won rave reviews for their work.
· Walking with The Lord of the Column
        by Luisa Ruiz
I investigated how we could get there, hearing that there was a special bus route in service going to Atotonilco that evening.
· Zigzag, Walking San Miguel
        by Lynn Marlow
It's a meditation / Pay attention
· Hopalong, New York to San Miguel, Fil Meets Hopalong in Concert, Saturday, April 6
        Music and Art by Hopalong, Jose Luis Chagoyan
His music has won multiple awards.
· Salt and Sacrifice
        by Rabbi Daniel Huebner
Salt represents the tears of the lower waters, the yearning of the soul within every physical being longing for its Divine source.
· Pranks, Rumors, Hoaxes; the Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
Elon Musk takes great pleasure in jerking the chain of the woke left-wingers at Google.
· Robert's Picks: happenings March 24-31
        by Robert J Hawkins
An Easter parade of happenings.
· Crossword Puzzle - Take a Guess
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· Rema tu barca
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
Permítanme dejar de lado esta filosofía y ponerme a trabajar.
· Juan Rulfo: "El ADN de mexicanidad"
        por Philip Gambone
"En mi vida hay muchos silencios. En mi escritura, también"
· Moda: mezclilla, reciclada, bordada, mexicana - Lola dorada
        por Marni Hills
En INTERMODA ganaron críticas favorables por su trabajo.
· Caminando con el Señor de la Columna
        por Luisa Ruiz
Me puse a investigar cómo podíamos llegar porque yo ya había escuchado que esa noche había una ruta especial para llegar a Atotonilco.
· Hopalong, Nueva York a San Miguel, Fil Encontra Hopalong - concierto, Sábado, 6 de abril
        Música y arte por Hopalong, Jose Luis Chagoyan
Su música ha ganado múltiples premios.
· Bromas, rumores, engaños, la esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
Elon Musk tiene un gran placer en sacudir la cadena de los izquierdistas despiertos en Google.
March 17
· Revolution, Now and Then
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
"Hire a teenager now, while they still know everything."
· Bad Boys / Bad Guys - exhibit, through April
        by Joan Hall
I am sure those horrible memories influenced my artwork and my sensibility.
· Hobble Stones
        by Bill Harrison
Lime green taxis abound in SMA, roaming the streets like over-eager puppies looking for treats.
· Women's Day March
        by Luisa Ruiz
"If tomorrow it is me, remember me full of dreams, please."
· Inhabiting Time, Elvia Samaniego, opening - Friday March 15, 5-8pm
        by Elvia Samaniego
Stopping is a privilege. Taking a breath just at the least opportune moment...
· Refugees in Mexico and the Dynamics of Asylum in the Americas, talk - Saturday, March 16, 3pm
More than half of the people identify violence, insecurity, and threats as the main reasons for fleeing their country.
· SMA Comes to QRO, Absent Structure 2.0, exhibition
        by Maru Vázquez
"Movement and stillness reveal this duality of contrasts, conflicts, inspiration and harmony."
· Look and See
        by Rabbi Daniel Huebner
The choice is ours, depending on how we look at it.
· Robert's Picks: happenings March 17-23
        by Robert J Hawkins
We’re a busy little town.
· Blockchain: the Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
Blockchain technology is designed to make it impossible to hack the system or forge the data stored on the blockchain.
· Crossword Puzzle - All Set?
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· Revolución, Antes y ahora
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
"Contrata a un adolescente ahora, mientras todavía lo sabe todo".
· Chicos malos / Hombres malos - exposición, hasta abril
        por Joan Hall
Estoy segura de que esos horribles recuerdos influyeron en mi arte y mi sensibilidad.
· Piedras cojas
        por Bill Harrison
Los taxis verdes abundan en SMA, vagando por las calles como cachorros ansiosos en busca de golosinas.
· Marcha del Día de la Mujer
        por Luisa Ruiz
"Si mañana soy yo, recuérdenme llena de sueños por favor".
· Habitar el Tiempo, Elvia Samaniego, inauguración - viernes, 15 de marzo, 5-8pm por Elvia Samaniego
        por Elvia Samaniego
Así, detenerse es un privilegio.
· Oportunidades y desafíos que enfrenta México de asilo de refugiados, platica - sábado 16 de marzo
La mitad de las personas señala la violencia, la inseguridad y las amenazas como causas principales por las que han abandonaron sus países.
· SMA en QRO, La Estructura Ausente 2.0 - exposición
        por Maru Vázquez
"Destaca que "en el mundo digital en el que vivimos, hacer papel me mantiene conectada con la naturaleza de manera directa".
· Cadena de bloques - La esquina de la computadora
        by Charles Miller
La tecnología de cadena de bloques está diseñada para hacer imposible hackear el sistema.
March 10
· Learning to Say No
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
Some people don't know how to tell a joke. Some people don't know how to tell a story.
· "I am here to tell the story": Pablo Neruda's Mexico
        by Philip Gambone
Mexico's magic continued to inspire Neruda "like a small stray eagle circulating through my veins."
· The Daughters of San Miguel
theater reading - Tuesday, March 12

        by Julie Heifetz
It is not in the Mexican culture to speak openly about personal issues, even among themselves.
· Celebrating Resilience, SMA Solo Theatre Festival
2 weeks, March 14-23

        by Joseph Bennet
Take a seat and prepare to be moved, inspired, and reminded of the incredible strength of the human spirit.
· Equinox! - opening, Chapel of Jimmy Ray Gallery
Saturday, March 16, 1-5pm

        by Meryl Truett
Whether you're new to The Chapel of Jimmy Ray or you're a regular, mark your calendar for a day of awe and wonder.
· The Human Figure, Keith Miller and Mixael Rudloff
opening - Friday, March 15, 6pm

        by Keith Miller
My watercolors are mostly from an island-hopping trip to Greece last fall.
· A Sense of Place, Kathleen Cammarata
opening - Sunday, March 17, 1-4pm

        by Kathleen Cammarata
These maps allow the viewer to invent his/her own sense of place.
· Using Your Talents
        by Rabbi Daniel Huebner
They knew how to spin goat hair while it was still attached to the goat.
· Robert's Picks: happenings March 10-16
        by Robert J Hawkins
These are a few of your favorite things.
· Owning vs Renting - The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
Most people do not realize that music purchased and downloaded online does not belong to them.
· Crossword Puzzle - Doggone It!
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· Aprender a decir no
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
Algunas personas no saben cómo contar una broma. Otras no saben cómo contar una historia.
· "Estoy aquí para contar la historia": El México de Pablo Neruda
        por Philip Gambone
La magia de México continuó inspirando a Neruda "como un pequeño águila callejera circulando por mis venas"
· Las Hijas de San Miguel; lectura de teatro - Martes 12 de marzo
        por Julie Heifetz
No está en la cultura mexicana hablar abiertamente sobre temas personales.
· ¡Equinoccio! - inauguración, Galería Capilla de Jimmy Ray
Sábado 16 de marzo, 1-5pm

        por Meryl Truett
Tanto si eres nuevo o habitual en la Capilla de Jimmy Ray, asegúrate de marcar tu calendario para un día de asombro.
· La figura humana, Keith Miller y Mixael Rudloff
inauguración - viernes 15 de marzo

        por Keith Miller
Mis acuarelas son, en su mayoría, de un viaje de isla en isla en Grecia el otoño pasado.
· Un sentido de lugar, Kathleen Cammarata
inauguración - Domingo 17 de marzo, 1-4pm

        por Kathleen Cammarata
Estos mapas permiten al espectador inventar su propio sentido del lugar.
· Poseer vs Alquilar: la esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
La mayoría de la gente no se da cuenta de que la música comprada y descargada en línea no les pertenece a ellos.
March 3
· Never on Thursday
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
I felt like Emiliano Zapata rallying his troops.
· "The last of the magic countries": Pablo Neruda in Mexico
        by Philip Gambone
"Exiled writers of every nationality had rallied to the camp of Mexican freedom..."
· The Wind Blows on the Mountain, Victor López - opening
Thursday, March 7, 7pm, Artlalli Galería

        by Victor López
We trace our life through the act of furrowing our sacred land.
· Our Own World
        by Maru Vázquez
Take the time to unleash imagination and fly into unknown universes.
· Juxtaposition, opening, Keith Miller, Mixael Rudloff
        by Keith Miller
...mortals confounded by the eternal conflicts with forces expressed through the gods and through human nature.
· San Miguel de Allende: the soul of Mexico Festivals, part 1, from the book
        by Cathi and Steven House
San Miguel was once described as having an excess of festivities.
· Half and Half
        by Rabbi Daniel Huebner
Our job is to take those material blessings and utilize them to bring more goodness and godliness into the world.
· San Miguel This Week
        by Robert J. Hawkins
We've got some booking to do.
· Cable Me - The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
There is an insane level of engineering that went into something as simple as the printed circuit board.
· Crossword Puzzle - A Bit Bubbly
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· Nunca el jueves
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
Me sentí como Emiliano Zapata reuniendo a sus tropas.
· "El último de los países mágicos": Pablo Neruda en México
        por Philip Gambone
"Escritores exiliados de todas las nacionalidades se habían unido al campo de la libertad mexicana, mientras la guerra se prolongaba en Europa"
· El viento sopla en la montaña, Victor López, inauguración
Jueves, 7 de Marzo, 7pm, Artlalli Galería

        por Victor López
Trazamos nuestra vida a través del acto de surcar nuestra tierra sagrada.
· Nuestro propio mundo
        por Maru Vázquez
Tómense su tiempo para dar rienda suelta a la imaginación y volar hacia universos desconocidos.
· Yuxtaposición, inauguración, Keith Miller, Mixael Rudloff
        por Keith Miller
...mortales confundidos por los conflictos eternos con las fuerzas expresadas a través de los dioses y a través de la naturaleza humana.
· San Miguel de Allende: el alma de México, Festivales parte 1, del libro
        por Cathi y Steven House
San Miguel fue descrito una vez como tener un exceso de festividades.
· Cabléame: la esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
Hay un nivel loco de ingeniería que entró en algo tan simple como la placa de circuito impreso.
February / Febrero 2024
February 25
· Overcompensating
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
I think this can't-get-enough phenomenon is at work among retirees here in San Miguel.
· Terrified in Mexico: The towering genius of Malcolm Lowry
        by Philip Gambone
In such a world, love and wisdom seem to have no home.
· Remembering the King of Hospitality, Bob Thieman
        by David Bossman
He loved to see people have fun.
· Honoring Mike Kleimo and his Paintings
Saturday March 2, ZOHO Gallery, Fabrica Aurora Art Walk

        by Edna Dickinson
"My compositions pay special attention to shapes created by twisted perspectives and exaggerated form."
· Confessions of a Clown, Fiddling With The Stories of My Life
theater - Wed, Thurs, Feb 28, 29, 5pm

        by Stuart Nemtin
"Laughter is the closest distance between two people." - Victor Borge
· A Tale of Two Lokkals
        by Nory Contractor
It was professional flirting, based perhaps on a premonition that one day we would work together.
· Reflections on Corfu, Jane Dill - opening
Sat, March 2, Fabrica Art Walk, Galería San Francisco

        by Jane Dill
The ancient Greek cursive lettering now appears in most of these paintings as an unreadable design element.
· Seven Together
        by Rabbi Daniel Huebner
In true Jewish style, we can answer this question by asking another.
· If the Plug Fits, The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
I pointed out their finger would fit in a light bulb socket, and that that too was a bad idea.
· Crossword Puzzle - Not So Good
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· Compensación excesiva
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
Creo que este fenómeno "no puedo obtener suficiente" está en acción entre los jubilados aquí en San Miguel.
· Aterrorizado en México: El genio imponente de Malcolm Lowry
        por Philip Gambone
En tal mundo, el amor y la sabiduría parecen no tener hogar.
· Recordando al Rey de la Hospitalidad, Bob Thieman
        por David Bossman
Le encantaba ver a la gente divertirse.
· Honrando a Mike Kleimo y sus pinturas
Sábado 2 de marzo, Galería ZOHO, Paseo de arte Fábrica La Aurora

        por Edna Dickinson
"Mis composiciones prestan atención especial a las formas creadas por perspectivas retorcidas y formas exageradas."
· Confesiones de un payaso, Fiddling con las historias de mi vida
teatro - Mié, Jue, 28, 29 de Feb 5pm

        por Stuart Nemtin
"La risa es la distancia más cercana entre dos personas". - Victor Borge
· Historia de dos Lokkales
        por Nory Contractor
Era un flirteo profesional, basado quizá en la premonición de que algún día trabajaríamos juntos.
· Reflexiones sobre Corfú, Jane Dill - inauguración
Sáb, 2 de marzo, Paseo de arte Fábrica La Aurora, Galería San Francisco

        por Jane Dill
La letra cursiva griega antigua aparece ahora en la mayoría de estas pinturas como un elemento de diseño ilegible.
· Si el enchufe se ajusta: la esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
Señalé que su dedo cabría en una toma de luz, y que eso también era una mala idea.
February 18
· A Scientific God
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
The quantum world is a holistic, infinite realm of energy and potential.
· "Idyllic in Cuernavaca": Malcolm Lowry's Tortured Sojourn in Mexico
        by Philip Gambone
"You have it in you to become one of the century's greatest writers. But you need help."
· MyStudio Art Walk
        Col. San Antonio
Saturday, Sunday, February 24, 25, 11am-5pm
· Found Object Alchemy, Turning Trash into Timeless Art
opening - Joseph Bennett - Fri, Sat, Sun, Feb 23-25

        by Eli Hans
His creations are a testament to the beauty that can be unearthed from the most unlikely sources
· The Absent Structure - opening
Friday, Feb. 23, 7pm - QRO

        by Gabriel Sencial
Like culture itself, there is no final resolution to successful painting: it continues to evolve and evoke.
· A Living Hell: Assange and Free Speech
talk Monday / rally Tuesday

        by Ron Paulson
Up to now, publishers of classified material have always been protected from prosecution under the 1st Amendment.
· Her Super Power
        by Barbara Goodman
I shared all the foibles, eccentricities, dare we say neuroses of the accomplished; but lacked their talent.
· Expression vs. Accuracy: Drawing Classes
        by Henry Vermillion
Drawing should be done as much as possible the way a child draws.
· Ford Model A - The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
Buying the latest technology does have its appeal though.
· Crossword Puzzle - And Then Some
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· Un Dios Científico
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
El mundo cuántico, aunque muy pequeño, es un reino holístico e infinito, de energía y potencial.
· "Idilio en Cuernavaca": La estancia torturada de Malcolm Lowry en México
        por Philip Gambone
"Tienes la capacidad de convertirte en uno de los mejores escritores del siglo. Pero necesitas ayuda, no curitas."
· Alquimia de objetos encontrados, Convertir la basura en arte atemporal, Joseph Bennett
Viernes, Sábado Domingo, 23-25 de febrero

        por Eli Hans
Sus creaciones son un testimonio de la belleza que se puede desenterrar de las fuentes más improbables.
· La estructura ausente - inauguración
viernes, 23 febrero, 7pm - QRO

        por Gabriel Sencial
Como la cultura misma, no existe una resolución final para una pintura exitosa: continúa evolucionando y evocando.
· Un infierno viviente: Assange y libertad de expresión
charla Lunes / rally Martes

        por Ron Paulson
Hasta ahora, los editores de material clasificado siempre han estado protegidos contra el enjuiciamiento en virtud de la primera enmienda.
· Su super poder
        por Barbara Goodman
Tuve la epifanía de que compartía todas las debilidades, excentricidades, nos atrevemos a decir neurosis de los consumados, pero carecía de su talento.
· Expresión vs. precisión, Clases de Dibujo
        por Henry Vermillion
El dibujo debe hacerse tanto como sea posible de la manera en que un niño dibuja.
· Ford Modelo A - La esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
Sin embargo, comprar la última tecnología tiene su atractivo.
February 11
· All Too Human
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
Faggin and Kastrup declare that the universe is conscious.
· "A treasury of many things worthy of being known": The Florentine Codex
        by Philip Gambone
Sahagún undertook a deeper and more systematic approach to recording Nahua culture.
· The Artist Dreams a Sculpture
        by Glen Rogers
The two large "wings" surrounding the seat also mimic large leaf shapes.
· Surreal Mexico 2: Las Pozas
        by Tony Cohan
I didn't feel afraid - not yet, at least - only lost.
· Strangers at the Door
        by Jennifer Rose
Should I go over to her house and throw the rascals out myself?
· El Terco: Tacos Before Sundown
        by Don Day
"It's not too spicy," four words that can never be trusted from the mouths of Mexicans.
· Dante, Canto III
        by Thomas Powers
"Abandon all hope, you who enter here."
· Deep Fakes - The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
"Who ya gonna believe, me or your own eyes?"
· Crossword Puzzle - Horsefeathers
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· Demasiado humana
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
Faggin y Kastrup declaran que el universo es consciente.
· "Un tesoro de muchas cosas dignas de ser conocidas": El Códice Florentino
        por Philip Gambone
Sahagún emprendió un enfoque más profundo y sistemático para registrar la cultura nahua.
· La artista sueña una escultura
        por Glen Rogers
Las dos grandes "alas" que rodean el asiento también imitan las formas grandes de las hojas.
· Dante, Canto II
        por Thomas Powers
Elegí trabajar en grande porque quería que las impresiones tuvieran el mismo impacto que una pintura.
· Deep Fakes / Falsificaciones profundas - La esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
La mayoría de las personas que son víctimas de una estafa son reacios a admitir que fueron engañados.
February 4
· Cleaning House
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
The skeletons in my closets are what most limit my ability to navigate the flesh and blood of now.
· A "double outsider": the Mexican American novels of Michael Nava
        by Philip Gambone
"...a wounded and vibrant people, the truest Mexicans of México."
· San Miguel de Allende: the soul of mexico
Architecture, part 2, From the book

        by Cathi and Steven House
Working as an architect in SMA has been an honor and a gift.
· Strings Attached, Joan Hall
opening - Sat, Feb. 3, Fabrica Art Walk

        by Margaret Failoni
Her current Strings Attached series is a spin on old fashioned embroidery with a cutting edge.
· Atmospheric and Ephemeral, Susanna Turino
opening - Sat, Feb. 3, Fabrica Aurora Art Walk

        by Susanna Turino
The paradoxical pursuit of perfection with the expressive letting go of perfection.
· Partial Disclosures
        by Terry Tomlinson
Drawing with graphite, pastels, ink or tape, I excavate, destroy and rebuild.
· Dante, Canto II
        by Thomas Powers
As Dante and Virgil approach the mouth of Hell, his mind turns to the journey ahead and again he feels the grip of dread.
· Fear of Missing Out - The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
Most people who fall victim to a scam are reluctant to admit being duped.
· Crossword Puzzle - Partners
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· Limpieza de la casa
        por Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
Los esqueletos de mis armarios son lo que más limita mi capacidad de navegar la carne y la sangre de ahora.
· Un "doble forastero": las novelas mexicano-americanas de Michael Nava
        por Philip Gambone
"...un pueblo herido y vibrante, los verdaderos mexicanos de México."
· San Miguel de Allende: el alma de México, Arquitectura, parte 2, Del libro
        por Cathi and Steven House
Trabajar como arquitecto en SMA ha sido un honor y un regalo.
· Cadenas atadas, Joan Hall
inauguración – sábado 3 de febrero, Paseo de Arte Fábrica

        por Margaret Failoni
Su serie actual Cadenas atadas es un giro en el bordado a la antigua mezclado con una vanguardia.
· Atmosférico y efímero, Susanna Turino
inauguración – Sáb. 3 de Feb, Paseo de arte, Fábrica Aurora

        por Susanna Turino
El búsqueda paradójica de la perfección con el expresivo de dejar ir la perfección.
· Revelaciones parciales
        por Terry Tomlinson
Dibujo con grafito, pasteles, tinta o cinta, cavo, destruyo y reconstruyo.
· Miedo a perdérselo: La esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
La mayoría de las personas que son víctimas de una estafa son reacios a admitir que fueron engañados.
January / Enero 2024
January 28
· What's a Guy to Do?
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
A cynical New Yorker, she's what an earlier generation would have called "a tough broad."
· "The Path of the Codex": Mexico's Pre-Conquest Writing Systems
        by Philip Gambone
The boys were taught all the verses of songs, which were called divine songs.
· Geometry as Language; The Art of Alberto Lenz - opening - Thursday, February 1, 5pm
        by Cristina Galvez
They suddenly confront us with a world of sensuality and mystery.
· Four San Miguel Painters - Polly Stark Ortega - Janet Hawkins Dowda - Andrew Dearwater - Daniel Rueffert - opening - Thursday, February 1, 5-7pm
The intimate worlds that each artist has captured in response to their enduring relationship with Mexico.
· Three of Hearts - Gaia Schilke, Chris Dolan, Debra Deutsch Oliver
opening - Fri. Feb. 2, 5-8pm

I see the canvas as a stage for the theater of everyday life – a space where anything is possible.
· Bea is Back, Eclectic Lecture Series
        by Barbara Goodman
Some mortals get the jewels, others the dung. Do good things happen to bad people? Yep. Is sorrow as common as sweet?
· Art Sleuthing in San Miguel, part 2
        by Natalie Taylor
"Can I make an appointment with him?" "Not really," they told me.
· Splitting the Sea
        by Rabbi Daniel Huebner
...leaving the Israelites stuck between the sea and the mighty Egyptian army.
· Feels Like Home Again at Firenze
        by Don Day
"We struggled. Some days we didn't know if anyone was going to walk through the door."
· Authorization at What Price? - The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
Those companies derive much of their income from selling advertising and then selling your personal information.
· Crossword Puzzle - One to Make You Frown
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· "El Camino del Códice": Sistemas de escritura pre-conquista de México
        por Philip Gambone
Los pintores-escribas eran hombres sabios que, según otro franciscano, poseían "un corazón hecho divino."
· Geometría como lenguaje, El arte de Alberto Lenz - inauguración - jueves 1 de febrero
        por Cristina Galvez
De repente nos enfrentan con un mundo de sensualidad y misterio.
· Cuatro pintores de San Miguel - Polly Stark Ortega - Janet Hawkins Dowda - Andrew Dearwater - Daniel Rueffert - inauguración - jueves, 1 de febrero, 5-7pm
Los mundos íntimos que cada artista ha capturado en respuesta a su duradera relación con México.
· Tres de corazones - Gaia Schilke, Chris Dolan, Debra Deutsch Oliver - inauguración – viernes 2 de febrero
Veo el lienzo como un escenario para el teatro de la vida cotidiana - un espacio donde todo es posible.
· Bea regresa
Serie ecléctica de conferencias

        por Barbara Goodman
Algunos mortales obtienen las joyas, otros el estiércol.
· Buscando tesoros artisticos como un detective
        por Natalie Taylor
"¿Es posible llamar y agendar una cita?" "No, lo hace todo él mismo."
· Autorización ¿A qué precio?: La esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
Esas empresas obtienen gran parte de sus ingresos de la venta de publicidad y luego venden la información personal.
January 21
· Lunch With Alberto
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
May Lokkal amplify the initiatory indigenous wisdom inherent in our land.
· Lost in Mexico: Tennessee Williams' The Night of the Iguana
        by Philip Gambone
"To feel some humiliation and a great deal of sorrow at times is inevitable. But feeling guilty is foolish."
· The Burning Flower: Color in Mexico
        by Tony Cohan
In Mexico, every color goes with every other color - if you know how to do it.
· An Artist's Life
        by Henry Vermillion
Living in San Miguel, as most of us do, I find the situation a bit strange.
· San Miguel de Allende: the soul of Mexico Lecture/Book Signing - Wednesday, Jan. 24
        by Cathi and Steven House
"The essence of one of the loveliest cities in Mexico is presented full of poetry, charm and beauty." - Laura Obregón Baranda, Poet Laureate of Mexico
· Dimensions of Light
        by Terry Tomlinson
I cast or embed paper with a variety of contrasting materials such as metal, thread, found objects, mica and text.
· Stuck at the Office
        by Jeffrey R. Sipe
"Sorry, Honey. I'm stuck at the office. I won't be home until late."
· My Life as Collage, part 2
        by Béa Aaronson
Collage is an operation, a surgical operation of visual inputs.
· You Don't Own What You Think You Own; the Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
The latest trend... you can use the software so long as you pay again every year or every month to continue using it.
· Crossword Puzzle - Weather Forecast
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
· Almuerza con Alberto
        por el Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor
Que Lokkal amplifique la sabiduría indígena iniciática inherente a nuestra tierra.
· Perdido en México: La noche de la iguana de Tennessee Williams
        por Philip Gambone
"Sentir algo de humillación y mucha tristeza a veces es inevitable. Pero sentirse culpable es tonto."
· La vida de un artista
        por Henry Vermillion
Vivir en San Miguel, como la mayoría de nosotros, me parece un poco extraño.
· San Miguel de Allende: el alma de México. Presentación de Libro – Miércoles 24 de Enero
        por Cathi y Steven House
"La esencia de una de las ciudades más bellas de México se presenta llena de poesía, encanto y belleza."
- Laura Obregón Baranda, Poeta Laureada de México
· Dimensiones de la luz
        por Terry Tomlinson
Fundo o embebo el papel con una variedad de materiales contrastantes como metal, hilo, objetos encontrados, mica y texto.
· Atrapado en La Oficina
        por Jeffrey R. Sipe
"Lo siento, cariño. estoy atascado en la Oficina. no estaré en casa hasta tarde."
· Mi vida como un collage, parte 2
        por Béa Aaronson
El collage es una operación, una operación quirúrgica de entradas visuales.
· No eres dueño de lo que tú crees: La esquina de la computadora
        por Charles Miller
La última tendencia... se puede utilizar el software siempre y cuando se paga de nuevo cada año o cada mes para seguir usándolo.
January 14
· In This Together
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
If home is where they miss you when you're gone, then I'm homeless.
· A "cotton-headed romanticist" in Mexico
        by Philip Gambone
"In some mysterious way the strangling rope of her loneliness had also been severed."
· San Miguel de Allende: the soul of mexico Architecture, part 1, From the book
        by Cathi and Steven House
Declared a National Monument in 1926, SMA's historic center has long been protected from modern intrusions.
· Art Gala Fundraiser, 100 artworks to benefit Mano Amiga, Iranian artists donate art collection, Wed, Jan 17
        by Ann Marie Jackson
"We are artists who love supporting other artists."
· The Return of the Men in White
        by Martín Buen Viaje
It was as if I ran an ultra marathon without taking a step.
· El regreso de Los Hombres de Blanco
        por Martín Buen Viaje
Es como si hubiera corrido un ultra maratón sin haber dado un paso.
· Indifference
        by Rabbi Daniel Huebner
"The opposite of love is not hate. It's indifference."
· Caught Red-handed at Los Originales
        by Don Day
Tossed, turned, chopped, and flopped by people who bring back memories of those plate spinners on the Ed Sullivan Show.
· Scamming the Scammer; the Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
I never heard from that scammer, his niece, or her mother again.
· A new Crossword Puzzle Coming Soon
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
January 7
· New Knowing
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
It's not academic. In fact, there is nothing more personally important to each of us.
· Ancient Wisdom - Modern Times; ethnographer, writer, photographer, filmmaker
Tues, Jan 9

        Wade Davis
His work took him to Haiti to investigate folk preparations implicated in the creation of zombies.
· Zigzag: Phil Gambone Reads
Wed, Jan 10

        SM Poetry and Prose
"This collection of interviews is like going to dinner with people you'd love to know but don't."
· Mexico City on $100 a Day
        by Jennifer Rose
It's clearly not expensive and always interesting.
· Infinite Variety - open studio Wednesdays
        by Terry Tomlinson
The fragile and ephemeral qualities of paper...
· Anomalies - opening, Sunday, Jan. 14
        by Kathleen Cammarata
An anomaly deviates from what is normal and expected. It is not easily classified.
· French Doors Art Dinner, Chef Donnie Masterton
Thursday, Jan. 11

· Enlightening Darkness
        by Rabbi Daniel Huebner
Viktor Frankl famously wrote that if you find meaning, you can survive almost any suffering.
· Ring out the old. Ring in the new.
        by Don Day
Perhaps Susan could explain the mystery of the two Marco's.
· Gears, Tubes, Transistors; the Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
"If it were possible to describe it in a few sentences, it wouldn't have been worth a Nobel Prize." Richard Feynman
· Crossword Puzzle - Rhyme Time
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
December 31
· A Funny New Year: Three episodes, a joke, a song lyric, and a wish
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
I don't care if you're laughing at me, as long as you're laughing.
· A Culinary Canvas, Art Dinner, French Doors, Chef Hugo Martinez
        by Victoire Sidhoum
Chef Martinez's creations intertwined the worlds of gastronomy and contemporary art.
· San Miguel de Allende: the soul of mexico, People, part 2, from the book
        by Cathi and Steven House
Strangers are welcomed and made to feel part of all that is Mexico, adding unimagined depth to their lives.
· Bobby's Beat: Disguised in a Grown Up Suit, Dinner Show Fridays
        by Bobby Kapp
Some people pray / To not go to hell / I pray cause I already been there
· Art History SMA: the Church of Santa Ana
        by Natalie Taylor
The judicious use of gold ornamentation creates an elegant, inviting space.
· Add This to Your Best Burger List
        by Don Day
Apart from trying to slip slide its way out of the bun, the avocado worked well.
· All Together
        by Rabbi Daniel Huebner
Our Father in Heaven kvells, rejoicing without end.
· Ping in the New; the Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
In 2023 global internet traffic grew by roughly 25% over 2022.
· Crossword Puzzle - Small Shakespeare Quiz
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
December / Diciembre 2023
December 24
· Happy Ending
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
I myself for certain am a hodge-podge.
· Christmas, Birthing Divinity
        by Mary Jane Miller
He is that person, filled with wisdom and love, and begun in Mary's womb.
· Christmas, Perfectly Imperfect
        by Rev. Donna Schaper
When the shepherds are back with their flock / The work of Christmas begins.
· Puppet Fancy
        by Sheridan Sansegundo, art and text
They are now nearly life size.
· Dante, Canto I
        by Thomas Powers
My rudimentary idea of the inferno, probably based on movies.
· Bobby's Beat
Feeling the breeze
Dinner Show Fridays

        by Bobby Kapp
poem / music video
· The Aristocrat: Two Welshmen and an Australian Walk into a Bar
        by Jeffrey R. Sipe
" We want it to be the beating heart of the Calle Jesús scene."
· The Morel of This Story
        by Don Day
"You make the most of morels; this is fabulous fungi."
· Gaudí in SMA
Ranchito Cascabel / Timmyland

        by Gary Reid
Organic motifs, populated by giant sculptures of rattlesnakes and other zoomorphic and anthropomorphic shapes.
· ChatGPT Sings the Blues; the Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
ChatGPT seems to be becoming lazy.
· Crossword Puzzle - Season's Greetings
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
December 17
· New Tricks
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
His instinct is to guard his home turf. My instinct is fight or flight.
· An American Writer Looks at Christmas in Mexico
        by Philip Gambone
"It isn't fair that we always show Mexicans as poor village Indians."
· San Miguel de Allende: the soul of mexico People, part 1 From the book
        by Cathi and Steven House
We sat on a bench among the flowers with Margarita, whose family has sold popcorn in the Jardin for generations.
· My Life as Collage, part 1
        by Béa Aaronson
Collage is an organic process, disconcerting at first, like life really.
· Groundbreaking Groundwater: Community-Driven, Community-Owned
        Caminos de Agua
Conventional solutions fall short due to the complexity of removing dissolved contaminants.
· Venenos eliminados: Propiedad de y administrado por la comunidad
        Caminos de Agua
Las soluciones convencionales se quedan cortas debido a la complejidad de eliminar contaminantes disueltos.
· The Virgin of Guadalupe: the History of Art
        by Natalie Taylor
Her indigenous heritage is reflected in her brown skin, and connects her to the Aztec earth goddess, Tonantzin.
· The Ramen King has a New Castle
        by Don Day
The place is not classy but it's cozy, cool and comfortable.
· 50 Years and Going Strong; the Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
It was akin to a telephone party line allowing many computers to communicate on one shared line.
· Crossword Puzzle - It's Always Greener
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
December 10
· Rainmaker
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
The rainbow, in all its splendor, requires our properly angled participation.
· The "Prince of Pilgrims" in Mexico
        by Philip Gambone
"Before I die I will have experienced every emotion and tested all my senses."
· The Magic Waters of Tlacote, excerpted from On Mexican Time
        by Tony Cohan
Here there are no ordinary days.
· A Ride, A City, Some Bulls
        by Amy Cotler
He hurried them into a large room, where they expect the police to arrive.
· A Bad Idea
        by Bill Harrison
Managing the world while half blind for just 24 hours was an eye-opening shock.
· Sunset Maguey, Barbara Valverde
opening - Saturday, Sunday, December 9, 10

        by Barbara Valverde
Her passion is to create the drama of color, light and shadow in paper.
· Represented Photographers - opening, Sat, Dec. 9, 12-4pm
        Photographic Gallery
She introduced photography as a fine art to the San Miguel public.
· Gathering Sparks
        by Rabbi Daniel Huebner
Life does not have to be a collection of meaningless fragmented moments.
· Writing in Art, Kathleen Cammarata
opening - Sunday, December 17

        by Kathleen Cammarata
The artworks were not only objects to look at but also ideas to think about.
· Regresando a las carreras
        por Luisa Ruiz
La última carrera en la que participé fue el Maratón de la Ciudad de México en agosto de 2016.
· If it's Tuesday, it must be...
        by Don Day
It's been happening in San Miguel de Allende for a few years now.
· PINGing - The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
This month marks an anniversary that only a computer nerd could really appreciate.
· Crossword Puzzle - 20a
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
December 3
· Call to Action, Inspiration Meets Opportunity
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
Atención reflected our community, quite literally, represented us in its pages.
· San Miguel de Allende: the soul of mexico, Markets, part 2, from the book
        by Cathi and Steven House
Life in Mexico is a dance, never more beautiful than the stroll through a market.
· Life Forces of Mother Earth: Nawals
        by Béa Aaronson
The shaman acts as a mediator, a vessel of transference and contact between the outer and the inner world.
· Rewiring: The Community Church of SMA
        by Rev. Donna Schaper
Americans living in this hemisphere outside of the States have a special perspective.
· Sacred Hummingbirds, excerpt from The Broken Hummingbird
        by Ann Marie Jackson
The feathers on the tiny creature's chest and back flashed a gorgeous iridescent blue-green.
· Getting Back in the Race
        by Luisa Ruiz
The last race I participated in was the Mexico City Marathon in August 2016.
· Angel in the Wings: SM Playhouse Has a New Home
        by Robert J Hawkins
Along with live theater, they plan to produce chamber music concerts.
· Old Dog, New Tricks - The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
Lose the old habits you used for the old technology or risk doing damage to your devices.
· Crossword Puzzle - 20
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
November / Noviembre 2023
November 26
· Blaming the Victims
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
I'm not the first to observe that the Woke is not the left.
· Mexico's "Barefoot Iliad": The Underdogs
        by Philip Gambone
"the sublime cause of an oppressed people demanding justice, pure justice."
· Journey's End
        by Tony Cohan, author of On Mexican Time
But what if you wanted to be out of touch?
· Rescued by the Music
        by Richard Adelman; photos: Fátima Rodríguez, Alfox Jimenez - Colectivo Afrojarocho
At 80 years old I shouldn't go around expecting epiphanies on demand.
· Models I Have Drawn
        by Henry Vermillion
Alina was a beautiful woman with a haunting trace of sadness in her face.
· Modified Bloom – a lacy adventure
        by Wendy Moyer
I don't remember all the pain and labor it took to see my creative dream come to fruition.
· Bloom Modificado – una aventura con encaje
        por Wendy Moyer
No recuerdo todo el dolor y el trabajo que me llevó ver que mi sueño creativo se hiciera realidad.
· Exulansis - Group Exhibition
        Catherine Shea Studio
opening - Fri, Sat, Dec 1, 2
· Exulansis - Exposición Colectiva
        Estudio Catherine Shea
inauguración - Viernes, Sábado, 1, 2 Dic
· The Parroquia's Modern Art
        by Natalie Taylor
All seemed to go well until a visit from the bishop who immediately disapproved.
· But of course, your heart goes everywhere with you
Reflections on October 7th

        by Ayelet Tsabari
I don't know how to live in a world that justifies such evil in the name of social justice.
· Location, Location, Location - The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
On the other side of a concrete wall there was practically no Wi-Fi signal at all.
· Crossword Puzzle - 19a
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
November 19
· Truth Matters
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
Our most dangerous enemies are within, our persons and our society, if only because they are the closest.
· "Prolonged Romance" with Mexico, Charles Macomb Flandrau
        by Philip Gambone
"Everyone is groping his way—like Cortés on his prodigious march up from the sea."
· Transcending Trauma Through Art
exhibit - Fri, Sat, Sun, Sat, Nov 17-19 and 25

        by Wade Sather
This lost part of me paints and, through this art I learn more about what I went through, what we went through.
· Pink Nails
        by Debra Thompson
The pages are deliberately crafted to evoke an ancient feel.
· San Miguel de Allende: the soul of mexico,Markets, part 1, From the book
        by Cathi and Steven House
Fresh churros are scooped from sizzling vats, sprinkled with sugar and handed over in a bouquet of sweetness.
· Clavos Rosas
        por Debra Thompson
Las páginas están elaboradas deliberadamente para evocar un aire antiguo.
· Day of the Dead from, The Broken Hummingbird
        by Ann Marie Jackson
As thoroughly as he has adapted to Mexican life, he still shrinks from the loudest mysteries.
· Swoon and Understand - Collins and Lannon
opening - Friday, November 24

        by Luisa Ruiz
"Painting has become an obsession."
· Reminded of Our Jewishness
        by Rabbi Daniel Huebner
Our Jewish core has emerged stronger than ever these past few weeks.
· 5 Collages / 5 Colages
        by/por Béa Arronson
See the pictorial / Ver el pictórico
· Sexy Sells - The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
A long list of needless and worthless changes for the sake of change.
· Crossword Puzzle - 19
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
November 12
· More Flowers for Algernon
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
It's easy to see how others are wrong; more difficult to grasp my own mistakes.
· Tina Modotti: Mexicana ad Honorem
        by Philip Gambone
...the "first revolutionary photographic exhibition in Mexico."
· Possessed by the Saints, Obiní Batá
        by Richard Adelman
There are many instances of white Americans or Europeans becoming unexpectedly and genuinely possessed.
· The Unpredictability of Watercolor, Joye Moon
workshop - Tues, Wed, Nov. 14, 15

        by Laurent Benoist
My inspiration begins with a white piece of paper and the possibilities it presents.
· Fleurs du Mal, Art and Poetry; Kathleen Cammarata, Janet McAdams, Catherine Marenghi
        opening - Sunday, November 19
Each illustration plays with the relationship between realistic plants and invented botany.
· Two Goodbyes, Catita's Daughter
        by Luisa Ruiz
Wait for me at the entrance, I'll be there soon.
· Dos despedidas, La hija de Catita
        por Luisa Ruiz
Espérame en la entrada que no tardo.
· I Read the News Today, Oh Boy
        by Alfred Lanier
I always thought of myself as an optimist.
· The Root Causes of Moral Evil
        by Edward Rothstein
Western intellectuals will never stop making excuses for terrorists.
· Not If, But When - The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
This has created yet another situation that could potentially spell disaster for computer users.
· Crossword Puzzle - 18
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
November 5
· Representing the Tribe
        by Dr. David Fialkoff, Editor / Publisher
We elevate even the saints.
· The Haunting Voice of Juan Rulfo's Pedro Páramo
        by Philip Gambone
Her images are all believable in the way dreams are: irrational but emotionally potent.
· The Broken Hummingbird, Ann Marie Jackson, Book Launch Party
        Photos by Lander Rodríguez
"This novel makes the reader feel emotion with every fiber of their being."
- Camila Sánchez Bolaño, Editor-in-Chief, Newsweek en Español
· San Miguel de Allende: the soul of mexico, Churches, part 2, From the book
        by Cathi and Steven House
...the laughter of children playing, and the splashing of fountains.
· Born to Weave; Father and Son Master Weavers Friday-Saturday, Nov. 4-5
        by Barbara Erickson
Like his father, Jacobito revels in using super fine yarns.
· Fifty Years of Painting, Maru Vázquez, Exhibition
        Galería Calderoni
Thanks to those who opened some doors and closed others so that I could grow.
· Cincuenta Años de Pintura, Maru Vázquez, Exposición
        Galería Calderoni
Gracias a quienes abrieron las puertas y cerraron otras para que yo pudiera crecer.
· Fashion Parade 2023, Fashion in Film, Tuesday, Nov. 7, 6pm
        by Lucy Novaro; photos by Isabel Castejón
...to pay homage to cinema, creating a collection inspired by a film and a character.
· Fashion Parade 2023, La Moda en el Cine, Martes 7 Nov. 6pm
        por Lucy Novaro; fotos por Isabel Castejón
...a rendir homenaje al cine creando una colección inspirada en una película.
· Unity
        Rabbi Daniel Huebner
Their oneness transcends their differences.
· The War Against the Jews: Some thoughts on the first pogrom of the 21st century
        by David Blumenthal
"Liberty, equality, and fraternity." "All men are created equal." It wasn't true.
· The Fix is Out - The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
Over the last decade Apple laptops have steadily decreased in their reparability score.
· Crossword Puzzle - 15
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
October 29
· Other Rules
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
War suspends social rules. Killing people becomes, if not ok, then necessary.
· Sweat Drawings, Ri Anderson, opening
Saturday, October 28

        Photographic Gallery SMA
Her images are all believable in the way dreams are: irrational but emotionally potent.
· An Old Pipe Organ Gets a New Wind
        by Alfred Lanier
The organ was meticulously dismantled, shipped to San Miguel and reassembled.
· Territorial Defense in Wirikuta
        by Martín Buen Viaje
The Center for Environmental Regeneration fosters a conscious and regenerative tourism.
· Defensa Territorial en Wirikuta
        por Martín Buen Viaje
El Centro de Regeneración Ambientalfomenta un turismo consciente y regenerativo.
· Give me Soul
        by Rabbi Daniel Huebner
Enough with the superficial rituals.
· Four Collage Poems
        by Béa Aaronson
Urgently Required / French Connection / to inspire you
· Late October Rain
        by Dr. David Fialk, Editor / Publisher
The patio's plants all seem dressed in glistening new skin
· Who Owns Your Computer - The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
...required to pay a subscription fee every month in order to turn on your computer.
· Crossword Puzzle - 17
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
October / Octubre 2023
October 22
· Nostalgia
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Local musician Doug Robinson congratulated me on my heart-felt rendition, "David, I had no idea."
· An Urban Vampire: Luis Zapata's Pioneering Gay Novel
        by Philip Gambone
"Move on but where to? Where could I go that'd be different?"
· San Miguel de Allende: the soul of mexico, Churches, part 1, from the book
        by Cathi and Steven House
A cacophony of barking dogs, roosters, and twittering birds, sometimes the explosion of fireworks, accompany the bells.
· The Day of the Dead Festivities, Galería Intersección
        by Margaret Failoni
Fábrica la Aurora, Art Walk, Saturday, October 28, 5-8pm
· En celebración del Día de Muertos, Galería Intersección
        por Margaret Failoni
Fábrica la Aurora, Paseo del Arte
Sábado 28 de Octubre, 5-8pm
· Rokas Valuntonis, Lithuanian Pianist, Artist of the City Music Foundation
Monday, October 30, 7pm

        by Susan Chapman
For his many achievements, Rokas Valuntonis has been honoured with the prestigious Queen Morta Award.
· Learning to Care: Noah
        by Rabbi Daniel Huebner
One way to cure indifference is to experience suffering.
· Film Reviews
Compartimiento Cinematográfica

        by Jeffrey R. Sipe
It is an impressive debut for director Ami.
· A Near Perfect Crime - The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
What can we do to protect ourselves against this scam?
· Crossword Puzzle - 16
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
October 15
· The Oldest Hatred
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
If you want to free Palestine, start by freeing the Palestinians from Hamas.
· A "Hymn to Life": Diego Rivera's Portrait of Juleen Compton
        by Philip Gambone
"The best I have done grew out of things deeply felt, the worst from pride in mere talent."
· Fabricated Visions, Kirsten Hoving
PhotoGraphic Gallery

        by Jo Brenzo
...a collection of evocative photographs printed on silk and combined with secondary photographs or paper collage.
· Textures of Life - Wendy Moyer
opening Thursday, October 19, 6pm

        by Viridiana Gutierrez
Each artwork is a salute to the survivors and those still fighting.
· Waxing and Waning, G-d Asks Forgiveness
        by Rabbi Daniel Huebner
Sometimes even G-d begs forgiveness.
· You Can't Do It Alone
        by Frank Thoms
San Miguel is the city of "likes." Sometimes I think it is as if we live in Facebook.
· Endangered Treasures, The History of Art in San Miguel
        by Natalie Taylor
The ones that remain, are historical treasures that ought to be protected and preserved.
· Magic at a Women's Gathering, Calling the Circle
Monday-Wednesday, November 6-8

        by Glen Rogers
"The world will be saved by the Western woman." - the Dalai Lama
· Tracing the Route - The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
The most important tool anyone who uses the internet needs to learn how to use.
· Crossword Puzzle - 14
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
October 8
· Yesteryear Today
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
I'm not much for lines, so, somewhat criminally, I stepped in through the exit.
· Off the Wall, Three Brilliant Women Artists, Ana Thiel, Debra Thompson, Wendy Moyer
opening - Fri. Oct. 13, 4pm

        by Carlos Ordóñez
The range of work is wonderfully staggering.
· Erased Saints, Kathleen Cammarata
Open Studio, Sunday, October 15, 1-4pm

The drawings beg the question, "Who decides what is holy and what is not?"
· Where is Home? - Playing Poker With Time, collage and poem
        by Béa Aaronson
Dreaming of another something / Another somewhere / Another somebody
· You've Got Cookies
        by Richard Adelman
Then he raised his fist into the air and exclaimed, "¡Tienes galletas!" (You've got cookies).
· DOctubre, Documentary Month
        by Jeffrey R. Sipe
Their continued efforts have been instrumental in salvaging the Mexican non-fiction film industry.
· Springing Forward, Shemini Atzeres / Simchas Torah
Sunday, October 8, 10am

        by Rabbi Daniel Huebner
...a spiritual springboard, allowing us to "go from strength to strength" into and throughout the year
· Light or Dark? - The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
Even today I do not know if that is sound medical advice or just advertising hype.
· Desde el Muro, Tres Brillantes Mujeres Artistas, Ana Thiel, Debra Thompson, Wendy Moyer
Inauguración – Viernes 13 de octubre, 4pm

        por Carlos Ordóñez
La variedad de obras es maravillosamente asombrosa.
October 1
· The Next Big Thing
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
The world did not evolve from nothing as a random, chaotic power-grab.
· "Something a little more accurate than fiction": The Mexico of John Dos Passos
        by Philip Gambone
"Every poor man socialista. But when you get rich, quick you all very much capitalista."
· Art Flourishes in SMA, Instituto Allende 1955-1968
Peter Olwyler, photo opening - Wed. Oct. 4, 6pm

Images of the Mexican culture of the land of the Feathered Serpent, the Bajio of Mexico.
· Carvers of Apaseo el Alto, Javier Ulloa
opening - Sat. Sun. Oct. 14, 15

        by Walter Hodges
Piece by piece, he built his business out of wood and the force of his will.
· The Dilemma of the Modern Era: AI
        by José Luis Mendoza
This reminds me of Hal 9000 in the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey.
· All Together: Sukkot
Sunday, October 1, 3-6:30pm

        by Rabbi Daniel Huebner
The message of dwelling in the sukkah is also one of unity
· What's the Charge? - The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
Never drain or over-charge them!
· El Dilema de la Era Modern: IA
        por José Luis Mendoza
Esto me recuerda a Hal 9000 en la película 2001, Odisea del Espacio.
· Crossword Puzzle - 12
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
September / Septiembre 2023
September 24
· On One Foot
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
People who believe in purpose and meaning live healthier, longer lives.
· "Pretty darn swell" - John Dos Passos in Mexico
        by Philip Gambone
"The great hopes of Zapata and his men still stalk the land unappeased."
· Accessibility in Baja California, Casa Cabo Pulmo, House + House Architects
        by Cathi and Steven House
...a tropical desert between the rugged Sierra de la Laguna Mountains and the luminous Sea of Cortes.
· Kings of the Campo, 3 Kings' Day Toy Drive
        by Les Pearson
The reward for me is knowing that the children feel loved and special.
· Entrance of Xúchiles, pictorial, Saturday, September 30
        by Thomas Humphrey, photos and text
This ceremony of indigenous origin dates from 1531.
· Empowering Women, The Rug Hooking Project, Tours Every Thursday
        by Charlotte Bell
We began bringing these rugs to the United States to sell at shows and stores.
· Recovering My $1000, The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
What I did not know was that my bank was going to try to get away with ignoring that law.
· A Light of San Miguel / Una Luz de SMA
        by / por Jack Paulus
Pictorial / Pictórico
· Entrada de los Xúchiles, Sábado, 30 de Septiembre
        por Thomas Humphrey, fotos y texto
Esta ceremonia de origen indígena data de 1531.
· Crossword Puzzle - 11
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
September 17
· Old Friends and New
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Rolling my eyes while my old laptop dawdles is good for them.
· A Traveler, not a Tourist: Sybille Bedford's Mexican Sojourn
        by Philip Gambone
"Her writing is like the conversation of a clever, worldly friend who we wish would come by more often."
· Leaving LA
        by Cyn Posner
Most of my life I've tried to be invisible, hiding under rugs, to not be eaten alive by sharks.
· Mexico Historical Portraits - pictorial / pictórico
Saturdays, Sept. 23 and 30

        by Virginia Harford
Photos in this exhibition, Mexico Historical Portrait, were taken 56 years ago in 1967.
· Irene Dubrovsky, Galería Intersección
pictorial / pictórico
· A Heartbreaking Song on a Permanent Loop
        by Robert J Hawkins
I was ready to let the song haunt me all night.
· Artistic Treasures of the Parroquia, Part II
        by Natalie Taylor
It was the font in which Ignacio Allende was baptized in 1769
· To Search or Not to Search -The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
"Stay away from the internet! It’s nothing but a cesspool of scams and viruses."
· Crossword Puzzle - 10
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
September 10
· Helping Ourselves
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
If you take money out of the equation, it doesn't add up.
· ¡Hola Papi!
Life as an Authentic Latino

        by Philip Gambone
"We can't live without stories."
· Botanical Garden Wins 100 Women Grant
        by Laurel Delp
El Charco opened to the public in July, 1991 with a ceremony that took place during a total eclipse of the sun
· Heaven and Earth, Iconography - video
        by Mary Jane Miller
I didn't know that you could paint them. I thought that they were all relics.
· A New Russell Monk Exhibition: IMPÁVIDO
His work, depicting the plight of the homeless in Tennessee is housed in the Museum of Civil Rights in Memphis.
· An Inconvenient Guest
        by José Luis Mendoza
Sir Alcohol, doesn't treat everyone the same... grabbing many by the neck and showing them the abyss of hell
· Bursting into Flames -The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
Sleeping with her phone under her pillow might not be the smartest thing to do.
· Fusión Colonche 432 - A Musical Experience
An emotional journey through the sounds and traditions of Latin America.
· Un Invitado Incómodo
        por José Luis Mendoza
Don Alcohol, no trata a todos por igual. Siempre se encarga de tomar a muchos por el cuello y mostrarles los abismos del infierno.
· Fusión Colonche 432 - Una Experiencia Musical
Un viaje emocional a través de los sonidos y las tradiciones de América Latina.
· Crossword Puzzle - 9
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
September 3
· Game Theory
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
The solution is not going to come from the top down. What we need is localism, not globalism.
· "Soar, Crimson Banner!"
Mayakovsky in Mexico

        by Philip Gambone
Russia’s culture minister recently called Mayakovsky "the first rapper."
· Market Performance - video
Opera, Sat, Sept. 2, 6pm

A happening in Mercado Ignacio Ramírez
· Galería Intersección
Fabrica de Aurora Art Walk
Sat. Sept. 2, 5-7pm

pictorial / pictórico
· Maye Mora Salas
Fabrica de Aurora Art Walk
Sat. Sept. 2, 5-7pm

pictorial / pictórico
· The World in the Vein of a Leaf, Botanicals of Jan Hendrix, Museo Casa de la Canal, Citibanamex
        by Natalie Taylor
"The artist is the most useless factor creating the most useful stuff."
· Beware the Internet of Things, part 2: The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
Do you really need to be able to use your smart phone to control the thermostat?
· Vicente Hernández en San Miguel - exhibición
        por José Camilo López
"Cada obra suya, cual puesta en escena, encierra su propia dramaturgia."
· El Mundi en la Veta de una Hoja, los botánicos de Jan Hendrix, Museo Casa de la Canal, Citibanamex
        por Natalie Taylor
"El artista es el factor más inútil que crea las cosas más útiles".
· Crossword Puzzle - 8
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
August / Agosto 2023
August 27
· Learning to Move
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
With apologies to those who believe that the sexes are equal, studies have shown that men recognize fewer colors.
· "Arrested for the size of my heart" - Jack Kerouac's Mexico City Blues
        by Philip Gambone
In pain from phlebitis and "very high," he wrote the first 150 choruses during one feverish week.
· Simpler Times
        by José Luis Mendoza
The excessive accumulation of data can make it difficult to identify what is truly relevant and valuable.
· The Adventures of Martín Buen Viaje - video
        by Martín Buen Viaje
A conversation on a lost ranch in Oaxaca with an old mezcal master transformed me.
· Witness to an Historical Event
        by Natalie Taylor
The huge building is architecturally stark, with hardly any decorative elements in the exterior; it covers a full block square.
· Falling Off the Grid: NOT the Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
It seems that my other friend sort of panicked when I did not show up for our breakfast date that morning.
· El Vértigo de la Sobreabundancia
        por José Luis Mendoza
La acumulación desmedida de datos puede dificultar la identificación de lo realmente relevante y valioso.
· Las aventuras de Martín Buen Viaje - video
        por Martín Buen Viaje
Una plática en un rancho perdido en Oaxaca con un viejo maestro mezcalero me transformó.
· Crossword Puzzle - 7
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
August 20
· Too Rich, Too Smart
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
His brilliancy keeps jumping the tracks, but I keep buying tickets to get back on the ride.
· The Sad, Dignified Gaze of Rigoberto González
        by Philip Gambone
...the fascination, and shock, of rummaging around in a cubby full of his grandmother's intimate things.
· Mentoring Soul, The Center for Architecture Sustainability + Art, CASA
        by Cathi and Steven House
We make them into better architects, more aware, better able to use their mind, heart and soul...
· Winning Mexico's First Prize for Watercolor
        by Robert Charles Murray II
...the twisting agony of time mixed with the beautiful abundance of the prickly pear just at its ripest point.
· Getting Off the Train
        by Martín Buen Viaje
Today, seeing reality through new lenses, I notice that slavery has taken on a modern version.
· A Lucky Penny
        by Noren Cáceres, owner La Frontera
...to look beyond the hand to mouth reality that I have lived by.
· Bajarse del tren
        por Martín Buen Viaje
Hoy en día, al ver la realidad con nuevos lentes, noto que la esclavitud ha adquirido una versión moderna.
· Beware the Internet of Things, The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
Nothing could be further from the truth... in fact many thousands of miles further.
· Crossword Puzzle - 6
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
August 13
· At Least I Know I'm Crazy
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
The world can be divided into two types of people, those who know that they are crazy and those who don't.
· A "small, quiet pleasure": San Miguel 75 Years Ago
        by Philip Gambone
Beyond the town, he noted "a bleak church with forbidding gray walls." This was the church of San Antonio.
· Horror and Mockery, Open-Pit Mines
        by José Luis Mendoza
Let's promote alternatives that prioritize the conservation of our natural heritage and the dignity of our communities.
· Four Openings, Lavinia's Art Space Anniversary
Thursday, August 31, 4-7pm

        by Lokkal
pictorial preview
· Healers Beyond Boundaries Return to San Miguel
Wed, Aug 16 - Sat, Aug 26

"We can witness miracle healings happen and people's lives change in amazing ways."
· The Queen of the Night, Surprise Encore
        by Robert J. Hawkins
As we stayed up the other night and watched our epiphyllum oxypetalum burst forth like hot white fireworks.
· It Hasn't Rained Much, But When It Has - video
        by Unkown
· Horror y burla, las minas a cielo abierto
        por José Luis Mendoza
Es hora de proteger lo que es nuestro, luchar por un futuro sostenible y justo.
· One of the World's Most Notorious Hackers, The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
Kevin was in and out of trouble with the law, including three years on the run from the FBI.
· Crossword Puzzle - 5
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
August 6
· Picnicking as Prayer
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
The Europeans make fun of Americans for our habit of bathing so frequently.
· Frida Kahlo in America - "Her paintings are her biography."
        by Philip Gambone
"...deep down it's all real shit…. I'm completely disappointed by the famous United States."
· 19th Century Photographs of Mexico, Galería Atotonilco
now open daily without an appointment

        by Susan Page
He put them in a drawer and, for 40 years, did nothing with them.
· Chamber Music Festival, Program Notes
        by Fredric Dannen
August 4-20
· A Visual Adventure, Fen Lasell Paintings
Sat. Aug. 12, Fabrica Art Walk

        by Holly Green
"My aim is to lead the eye on a visual adventure."
· Tibetan Monks in San Miguel
program - August 9-20
· Mary Jane Miller, video
        San Miguel Archive Project
· "Where do You Get Your Ideas for Paintings?"
        by Henry Vermillion
He found a pistol in the jailer's desk and mortally shot one jailer.
· The History of Art in SMA, The church of San Juan de Dios
        by Natalie Taylor
There is a depiction of hell beneath, flames and hands of the damned raised upwards.
· La Historia del Arte en San Miguel: La iglesia de San Juan de Dios
        por Natalie Taylor
Hay una representación del infierno debajo de todo, llamas y manos de los condenados levantadas hacia arriba.
· Inviting Trouble, The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
...unlocking the virtual front door and leaving it wide open
· Crossword Puzzle - 4
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
July 30
· Atención Returns
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Whoever steps forward now has to raise something up out of the ashes.
· Kerouac's Mexican Spiritual Odyssey - "Never had my fill of Thee"
        by Philip Gambone
"one horror after another as usual in Doom Mexico."
· Carving a Life, opening - Saturday, Sunday, August 5-6
        by Walter Hodges
...it allows her to disappear into her work.
· The Forest Dreams of Carbon Sequestration
        by Martín Buen Viaje
I was to be the eye in the air with my drone.
· A Skeptic Discovers Energy Healing
        by Richard Gordon
The evolution of our consciousness and human possibilities are nearly limitless.
· My Neighbor, Her Broom and Love
        by José Luis Mendoza
She was sweeping a piece of the street and sidewalk that wasn't hers; it was mine.
· La Parroquia - Like You've Never Seen It / Como nunca has visto
        by / por Jack Paulus
Watch the video / Ver el video
· Looking for Míster San Miguel
        by Alfredo Lanier, El Rancho Santa Clara Blog
...figures of fearsome Aztec warriors ready to slay some mythical enemy.
· El Bosque soñó y los bonos de carbono atrapó
        por Martín Buen Viaje
Ya es un logro que podamos conservar los pocos pulmones que nos quedan.
· La vecina, la escoba y el amor.
        por José Luis Mendoza
¿Estaba barriendo la calle y banqueta de otras personas y que no le correspondían?
· Battery Power
        by Charles Miller
Batteries do not necessarily have to be made using toxic materials.
· Crossword Puzzle - 3
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
July / Julio 2023
July 23
· I Loved Atención, Too
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
You can't please all of the people all of the time.
· "A Kind of Shangri-la" - Jack Kerouac's Mexico (Part 1)
        by Philip Gambone
Mexico gave Kerouac the freedom to revolutionize American literature.
· Another Amazonian Journey
        by Martín Buen Viaje
Thank you Spirit Jungle of my heart.
· Art for the Children, Rodarte Artisan Fair, Saturday, Sunday, Aug. 5, 6
        Instituto Allende
...children's art classes are conducted in collaboration with renowned artists and established galleries.
· Barbara Dobarganes - video
        San Miguel Archive Project
"After the Second World War, with the GI Bill of Rights, this was a crazy town."
· 16 nights. 16 Spanish wines.
        by Don Day
Join me as I recall the journey, tell you a little about each stop, and how I rated them.
· The Music in Our Lives
        by José Luis Mendoza
I have been a teacher for over 30 years, with countless experiences of all kinds.
· Otro Viaje Amazónico - pictórico
        by Martín Buen Viaje
Gracias Pacha selva de mi corazón
· Como nos afecta la música que escuchamos.
        por José Luis Mendoza
He sido maestro por más de 30 años, con un sinnúmero de experiencias de todo tipo.
· There's No Charge, The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
It may come as a surprise to you, as it did to me...
· Crossword Puzzle - 2
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
July 16
· Who's Happy Now? - Atención
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
The Mexicans say, "Pueblo chico; inferno grande," Little town, big hell.
· DH Lawrence in Mexico; the Mystery of the Primeval World
        by Philip Gambone
When Lawrence is good, he's very, very good; but when he's bad, he's horrid.
· The Parroquia, part I, History of Art in San Miguel
        by Natalie Taylor with photos by Jack Paulus
The crypt beneath the floor in front of the altar is open during Day of the Dead celebrations.
· Notes of a Lifetime, Jazz in Mexico; Documentary / Q&A with Director/ Cocktail Reception, Tuesday, July 18
        by Soco Aguilar
It took you 18 years from story idea to premiere to produce Notas de una Vida, the history of Mexican jazz.
· A Celtic Forge in the 21st Century
        by Martín Buen Viaje
With a hammer fit for Thor, he began to forge a sword, blow after blow.
· Trials and Transformation, Poetry & Prose Café Summer Pop-Up, Thursday, July 20
        by Maia Williams
The case is sabotaged by a CIA interrogator...
· Hollywood to SMA, Acclaimed Cinematographer Exhibits, MyStudio Art Walk, Sat. Sun, July 15, 16
        by Henrietta Weekes
"Working on the set of Coppola's The Cotton Club was like a mafia scene."
· Luna de Queso, A New Chapter Begins, Storewide Sale Now
        by Mariana Peraza
Maintaining such an exclusive inventory has become increasingly challenging.
· La Parroquia, parte I, La Historia del Arte en SMA
        por Natalie Taylor con fotos por Jack Paulus
La cripta debajo del piso frente al altar se abre y se puede visitar durante las celebraciones del Día de los Muertos.
· Jazz en México, Documental / Una sesión de preguntas con el director / Cóctel, Martes, 18 de Julio
        por Soco Aguilar
Pasaron 18 años, desde el concepto inicial hasta el estreno de "Notas de una vida", una cautivadora exploración de la historia del jazz mexicano.
· Un Celta Forjador en Pleno Siglo XXI
        por Martín Buen Viaje
Con un martillo digno de Thor, comenzó a forjar una espada, golpe tras golpe.
· There's No Place Like Home, The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
At the time, the internet was so small that almost everyone connected to the network personally knew almost everyone else.
July 9
· Our Hometown Newspaper
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
The Atención that we knew and loved left the building a long time ago
· Here Life is Fiesta, Marina Wister in Mexico
        by Philip Gambone
She loved the "antique dignity" of the people she encountered: women squatting by little stoves...
· Our Town Clock
        by Martín Buen Viaje
When necessary he would fight like a wild dog.
· Woodcarvers Of Apaseo el Alto
        by Walter Hodges
You can count on the fingers of no hands the number of white folks walking the streets in Aapaseo.
· Isis Rodriguez Challenges the Quinceañera, opening - Saturday July 15
        by Zyanya Gallegos
...a cross cultural experience bridging the gap between ancient and modern Mexico.
· New, Bestselling, English-Language
Aurora Bookstore Opens

        by Catherine Marenghi
As a loving gift the community, she has given birth to beautiful Aurora Books
· Church of San Rafael, Part II, History of SMA Art
        by Natalie Taylor with photos by Jack Paulus
The painting shows great antiquity in technique and evidence of aging of the canvas.
· MyStudio San Antonio Art Walk, Sat. Sun, July 15, 16, 11am-5pm
See the 43 Artists here
· Mother Water
        by José Luis Mendoza
Water, blood of my land, liquid and pristine love...
· ¿Por qué medir el tiempo?
        por Martín Buen Viaje
Peleaba como perro salvaje cuando era necesario.
· Templo de San Rafael, Parte II, La Historia del Arte en SMA
        por Natalie Taylor con fotos por Jack Paulus
La pintura muestra una gran antigüedad en la técnica y evidencias del envejecimiento del lienzo.
· Madre Agua
        por José Luis Mendoza
Agua, sangre de mi tierra, amor líquido y prístino...
· Thank You for That Question, The Computer Corner
        by Charles Miller
The most astounding thing about ChatGPT it its adoption rate; in only two months it has accrued 100 million users.
· Crossword
        by Sheridan Sansegundo
July 2
· My Publishing Career
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
The publisher spent a lot of money trying to revive her, but the old lady wouldn't come back.
· Artistic Treasures of San Rafael Church: History of Art in SMA
        by Natalie Taylor with photos by Jack Paulus
At least now they will remain forever in the photos taken that day.
· Trashing the Charco: Environmental Vandalism
        by Marni Hills
Dumping trash in an open field should be illegal, but is it?
· Farewell to our beloved Atención
        by José Luis Mendoza
...the digital heartbeat that will keep the spirit of San Miguel alive.
· Who Is In Charge?
        by Béa Aaronson
For our children, the trees of the world.
· Los Tesoros Artísticos del Templo de San Rafael: La Historia del Arte en SMA
        por Natalie Taylor con fotos por Jack Paulus
Al menos ahora quedarán para siempre en las fotos que se sacaron ese día.
· Adiós a nuestro querido Atención
        por José Luis Mendoza
...el latido digital que mantendrá vivo el espíritu de San Miguel.
· ¿Quien Esta a Cargo?
        por Béa Aaronson
Para nuestros niños, los arboles del mundo.
· This Week's News
June / Junio 2023
June 25
· A Happy Father's Day
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
How can the child conceptualize the ancestral traumas that give rise to his personal suffering?
· Flights of Imagination In Paper: Today's Artists of San Miguel
        by Natalie Taylor
"It seems the flag has been sullied of late."
· Ancient Chapel Jewels
        by Joseph Toone
Seraphim are angels that do nothing but sing. Hence, in art, they are just heads.
· Flamenco Taurino, Some Stories and Drawings
Fridays and Saturdays

        by Britt Zaist
I stayed up way too late last night putting together this post.
· UFOs in SMA
        by Lokkal
A webcam shows strange happenings in the sky behind our beloved Parroquia.
June 18
· A Second Chance
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Our genes turn on and off in relation to our surrounding environment.
· Artist to Artist: Victoria and Juan
        by Bonnie Lee Black
He sometimes didn't have enough to eat and wore shoes from the dump.
· Art Sleuthing in San Miguel
        by Natalie Taylor
I was left with some tales told by some of the tour guides.
· Our Valient Volunteer Firefighters
Gala, dinner, art auction, Thursday, June 22

        by José Luis Mendoza
They risk their lives to keep us safe.
· Nuestros Queridos Bomberos
Gala, cena, subasta de arte, Jueves 22 de Junio

        por José Luis Mendoza
Se arriesgan para mantenernos a salvo de incendios y otros desastres.
June 11
· Burn It Down
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
"When Mexicans see you getting ahead, they want to pull you back."
· Henry Kissinger: SMA art director confronts the centenarian
        by Jerelle Kraus
I jumped onto the stage and addressed him in German, his native tongue.
· The History of Art in SMA: Casta paintings (Part II)
        by Natalie Taylor
The paintings were commissioned as a type of catalog to identify the racial mixtures in the New World.
· Group Exhibition, Bellas Artes
opening, Wednesday, June 14, 5pm

see the pictorial
· Los Locos Unmasked: Like You've Never Seen It
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Each truck contains enough speakers to amplify a concert at a mid-sized arena.
June 4
· Sweet Madness
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
We humans survived, not because we are fast or strong, but because we cooperate.
· Mother Nature's Magical Metamorphosis
        by Natalie Taylor
Once submerged they die, leaving seeds behind that sprout when the waters recede.
· Law and Order in SMA
        by Alfredo Lanier
Maybe officers fear retaliation if they pursue criminals too zealously.
· Learning to Draw
        by Noren Cáceres, owner La Frontera
"Back off, you're stepping on my dog."
May / Mayo 2023
May 28
· Siren
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Think of it as mental tasing.
· Art History SMA: The Chapel of the Virgin of Loreto (Part II)
        by Natalie Taylor with photos by Jack Paulus
...a reminder of SMA's wealth during the 18th and early 19th centuries.
· Dancing With Life, Debra Deutsch Oliver, opening - Friday, June 2
My hope is that my art can touch the part of the human spirit that ignites joy.
· What I've Been Messing Around With
        by Stephen Goodfellow
...the gauntlet of ruthless mental pruning, so necessary considering my unwinding life-clock.
May 21
· Take Me Out
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Civilization is carried forth to deny the horror of existence.
· Jaguar: Voice of a Territory, Documentary, Concert, Saturday, May 27
"To be able to understand the importance of keeping ancestral traditions alive."
· MyStudio Art Walk Rides Again
        by by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Organizing artists is like herding cats.
· Normalizing Violence?
        by José Luis Mendoza Aubert
How can we allow our mothers, sisters and daughters to be murdered?
· Normalizando la Violencia?
        por José Luis Mendoza Aubert
Normalizar la violencia puede tener graves consecuencias.
May 14
· A Boy On a Beach
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Below the border, the simple things of living take on mysterious significance.
· Art History SMA: The Chapel of the Virgin of Loreto (Part I)
        by Natalie Taylor with photos by Jack Paulus
Father Juan Francisco was pleased to view it through the zoom lens, since he himself had never seen it up close.
· Metamorphosis Series, art
        by Elvia Samaniego
I experiment with different techniques and framing, exploring the answers to disturbing themes.
· The search for SMA's best burger continues
        by Don Day
Don Day must be one helluva romantic guy to remember all of those nitty gritty details.
May 7
· Self-Hating Jews
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Q is very Jewish and a bit shy and guilty about it, which is also very Jewish.
· Ronnie Cummins, Vía Orgánica Cofounder

We will continue this fight in his honor.
· Subdued
        by Bonnie Lee Black
Why are older women the largest users of antidepressants in the US?
· The Avalanche of Images
        by José Luis Mendoza Aubert
It was a delight to imagine without being run over by an avalanche of pre-digested images.
· Atropellados por una avalancha de imágen
        por José Luis Mendoza Aubert
Era una delicia imaginar lugares, situaciones, personas, sin tener una avalancha de imágenes pre digeridas.
April 30
· Bump, Bump, Bump
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
America has turned into a theme-park, polished, but inauthentic.
· Exuberant Mexico, Polly Stark Ortega:
Recent Works - Monday, May 8

The work plunges into memories of childhood as an expat kid in a 70s SMA.
· Art History SMA: The image chronicler
        by Natalie Taylor
It is a mix of surprise and horror...
· Selling Miracles
        by Noren Cáceres, owner La Frontera
I have made it difficult for myself, fought growing up every step of the way.
April / Abril 2023
April 23
· Where's Home?
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Home is where people understand, and care to understand.
· A Home for Horchata; benefit party, Sun. Apr. 23
        by Marni Hills
She enjoys the good life all dogs deserve.
· "Deserve What You Dream": Remembering Octavio Paz
        by Natalie Taylor
Man is nostalgia and a search for communion.
· Tools Not Rules, Drawing with Master Glenn Vilppu workshops, Apr. 24-28, Apr. 29-30
"There are no rules, just tools."
· Reconnecting with Our Clan: My Little Inner Voice
        by José Luis Mendoza Aubert
Happiness and well-being do not depend on individual success.
· The Two Best Wine Bargains in Mexico
        by Don Day
There's a grassiness and a hint of apple that makes the flavor much more complex.
· La Importancia de reconectarse con nuestro sentido de Clan: mi vocecita interior
        por José Luis Mendoza Aubert
Felicidad y el bienestar no dependen del éxito individual.
April 16
· Fear of Floating
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
People like a winner.
· Kuna Indians, Illustrated Series
        by Sofie Engström von Alten, text and art
I drew them in a playful style reminiscent of trading cards or superheroes.
· Art History SMA: a small, bright lamp
        by Natalie Taylor
"The biography of an artist is in his works."
· Faces of the Oratorio Procession
        by Jack Paulus
· Camino Real de Tierra Adentro
        by José Luis Mendoza Aubert
It helped spread the presence of Spanish conquistadors.
· One Mystery, One Hundred Miracles - Walk for Autism, Sat. Apr. 22
        by Joyce Grenis
His parents knew they needed help, but didn't know where to look.
· Diving into an ocean of delights
        by Don Day
A feast for the eye, the tongue, the body and the soul. At Marios.
· Camino Real de Tierra Adentro
        por José Luis Mendoza Aubert
Se consolidó la presencia de los conquistadores españoles en la región.
April 9
· Fallen Beauty
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
There is a metaphor in all this, probably several, especially for someone as old as me.
· The Secret Tunnels of San Miguel
        by José Luis Mendoza Aubert
These corridors moved goods and people safely, serving as escape routes and as hiding places.
· The Holy Burial Procession, Semana Santa
        by Marni Hills
It is a great honor to participate in the procession. Many older families have been part of it for generations.
· Blowing Up the Judases
        by Marni Hills
To the crowd's delight, the explosion is impressive.
· Four things I want from a restaurant. And one restaurant that gives me all four.
        by Don Day
I asked if we could have the best table, the one beside the "babbling brook".
· Los túneles secretos de San Miguel
        por José Luis Mendoza Aubert
Una vía segura para mover bienes y personas, como escondites o vías de escape.
· Otra Incubación
        por Alejandro Anaya, texto, arte
Su segunda salida de la incubadora, el renacimiento del artista que fue de niño.
April 2
· The Devil's Due
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
It never occurs to me that I might just be a lonely old man.
· Revolutionary Art or Artistic Revolution?
        by José Luis Mendoza Aubert
"We are sorry for the inconvenience, but this is a revolution." - Subcomandante Marcos, Zapatista National Liberation Movement
· Art History SMA: Morlete, the 18th Century
        by Natalie Taylor
Morlete's paintings show family groups, with parents of different races, and their children.
· Another Incubation
        by Alejandro Anaya, text, art, photos
The rebirth of the artist that he was as a child.
· Spirit and Food: Luna de Queso
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Perhaps the main hallmark of exuberant Mexico is that the social is not an interruption.
· Pilgrimage of the Lord of the Column
· ¿Arte Revolucionario o Revolución Artística?
        por José Luis Mendoza Aubert
"Lo sentimos por las molestias, pero esta es una revolución." - Subcomandante Marcos, Movimiento Zapatista de Liberación Nacional
March / Marzo 2023
March 26
· A Better Music Box
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Much effort is going into trying to teach machines to do what we humans will always do better.
· The Tianguis is not a Flea Market
        by José Luis Mendoza Aubert
Motecuhzoma had a retinue of porters that ran in stages, like the Pony Express but without the horses.
· Women of San Miguel Who did it Their Way
        by Natalie Taylor
Josefa became involved with the revolutionary movement led by Ignacio Allende and Miguel Hidalgo.
· Truth, Justice, Passion, Luis Filcer - auction: Wednesday, March 29
There are over 60 museums around the world where Filcer's work can be seen.
· Romancing the Orchestra, Pro Musica Youth Orchestra - Thur. March 30
        by Maestro Robert Mari
Our next concert promises to be especially moving for me.
· Recent Acquisitions, Galería Atotonilco
open house - Sat. Sun. March 25, 26

        by Susan Page
On this buying trip, we have returned with some stunning pieces.
· Chile peppers. The guide to the dried.
        by Don Day
If they easily snap in half, they're probably old and will have lost some of their taste.
· El Tianguis no es un Mercado de Pulgas
        por José Luis Mendoza Aubert
Motecuhzoma tenía un séquito de porteadores que corriendo y en relevos le traían pescado fresco desde el Golfo de México
March 19
· Not My Forte
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
I didn't buy my first cellphone until two years ago.
· A Thread to Old San Miguel
        by Marni Hills, text and photos
The ups and downs of daily life that this hard-working man was describing to us were fascinating.
· Afternoon of Feminist Resistance
        by Irene Fuentes
Sir, ma'am, don't be indifferent, women are being killed in plain sight.
· Afghan Voices - Mon. March 20
        by Lia Gladstone, text and photos
"All Afghan girls want to be boys."
· Visionary Women, Art Talk - Saturdays
        Ana Thiel, Wendy Moyer, Debra Thompson
· The Décima: Poetry in Popular Song
        by José Luis Mendoza Aubert
At parties it is sometimes used in improvised challenges.
· "These tapas are better than any I've ever had in Spain."
        by Don Day
"I started from almost nothing and finished with a restaurant that was making more than a million Euros a year."
· La Poesía en la canción popular latinoamericana
        por José Luis Mendoza Aubert
En las fiestas es utilizada e veces en retas improvisadas.
March 12
· First We Take San Miguel
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
How many offers to participate in a project that might save the planet are they getting?
· Sketching: Capture and Creation
        by Alejandro Anaya, text, art, photos
Each piece begged me to interpret it with pen and paper in drawings.
· The Milpa, Wise Indigenous Agriculture
        by José Luis Mendoza Aubert
Not all modern technology is better.
· Visions of the Sacred Feminine, Glen Rogers, Artist Talk - Tues. March 14 Glen weaves ancient mythologies with archetypal symbols from her travels to sacred sites around the world.
· Feminist Spiritual Art, Isis Rodriguez, opening, Saturday, March 18
        by Zyanya Gallegos
These paintings are showing the injustice and pain that women suffer.
· A very attractive woman. And very attractive fries. At Don Valente.
        by Don Day
The next day I was off to see Mariana. And those fries.
· Boceto: captura y creación
        por Alejandro Anaya, texto, arte
Cada pieza me pedía a gritos que lo interpretara con pluma y papel en un dibujo.
· La milpa, alta tecnología agrícola indígena.
        por José Luis Mendoza Aubert
No toda la tecnología moderna es mejor.
March 5
· The Last Goodbye
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
My guess is that Jake wasn't ready for the giggles.
· Windows of San Miguel
        by Alejandro Anaya, text, art, photos
Windows represent the thresholds that we cross from the known to the unknown.
· "Floating" Gardens, the Chinampa
        by José Luis Mendoza Aubert
Mexico City is sinking, at a rate of about 50 centimeters per year.
· Cosmic Coincidence
        by Carmi Simon
I was penniless, living in a flophouse motel.
· Too Honest
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
"The expression on my face gives away how I feel about it."
· Climbing up the food ladder. At Hacmans.
        by Don Day
...the dining area, nicely positioned in the northwest corner with one of the best sunset views in town.
· Las ventanas de San Miguel
        por Alejandro Anaya, texto, arte, fotos
Las ventanas representaban los umbrales que cruzamos de lo conocido a lo desconocido.
· Jardines 'Flotantes', Las Chinampas
        por José Luis Mendoza Aubert
La Ciudad de México se esté hundiendo a unos 50 centímetros por año.
February / Febrero 2023
February 26
· Art Walking San Antonio
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
In her perfect, but accented, English, Sara asked me, "Do you know everyone?"
· ¡Viva México!, Surreal and Resilient
        by José Luis Mendoza Aubert
Mexico has snuck ingeniously between cataclysms and catastrophes.
· Other People's Dreams
        by Alejandro Anaya
For many of us San Miguel is the promised land, the place where dreams come true.
· Copper Vessels of Santa Clara
Gallery Atotonilco Open House, Sat, Sun, Feb. 25, 26

        by Susan Page
The town received the commission for the 1968 Olympic torch.
· Writers' Conference Adventures
        by Luba Nikolayev, text and photos
If it isn't a little scary, then it's probably not worthwhile.
· Visionaries, Six Women Artists: Ana Thiel, Debra Thompson, Glen Rogers, Kate Hunt, Martha E. López, Wendy Moyer
opening, Friday, March 3

        by Tania Noriz
· Oasis-Making, Tikkun
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
"The judge gave me a choice: two years in Rikers or getting out of town in 24 hours."
· ¡Viva México!, Surreal y Resiliente
        por José Luis Mendoza Aubert
México se ha escabullido ingenioso entre cataclismos y catástrofes.
· Otros Sueños
        por Alejandro Anaya
Para muchos de nosotros San Miguel de Allende representa la tierra prometida.
· Visionarias, Seis Mujeres Artistas: Ana Thiel, Debra Thompson, Glen Rogers, Kate Hunt, Martha E. López, Wendy Moyer
inauguración, Viernes, 3 de Marzo

        por Tania Noriz
February 19
· Joining Forces
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Lunch was delicious, the food, of course, but especially my conversation with José Luis.
· Heaven in a Wildflower, Allan Baillie, Botanicals, Photography
opening - Sat, Feb. 18, 5-8pm

        by Phoebe Greyson
"Nature educates us into beauty and inwardness and is a source of the most noble pleasure."
· Veracruz Sketches, Reveries on the Papaloapan
        by José Luis Mendoza Aubert
...multicolored houses, which are all dressed up, ready to party.
· Trazos de Veracruz, Ariles del Papaloapan
        por José Luis Mendoza Aubert
...las casas multicolores, vestidas de fiesta
· Garbage and the Big Picture
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
When they warm up their car in the morning, my house fills with exhaust fumes.
· What Son Jarocho is for Me
Soledad, concert, Tue, Feb. 21

        by José Luis Mendoza Aubert
For me it is the Jazz of Mexico.
· Que es para mí el Son Jarocho
Soledad, concierto, Martes 21 de Feb.

        por José Luis Mendoza Aubert
Es el Jazz mexicano...
· MyStudio Art Walk, 2023, pictorial
        Peter A. Davis, Lindsay Duval, Suzy Taylor
Sat, Sun, Feb 18, 19
· Like walking into a hug. At Casa Nostra.
        by Don Day
It worked as, not unexpectedly, did the crowning glory of black truffles.
February 12
· Too Quiet
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Isolation, if it doesn't make you crazy, makes you sane.
· Two Historical Fiction Writers, a Conversation
        Sher Davidson and Catherine Marenghi
I can't tell you how long I searched for my great aunt's famous potato pie recipe, torta di patate.
· Incense and Herbal Magic
        by Carmi Simon
We were always the only white people in the store.
· Not Smart Enough
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Until very recently, the dominant scientific opinion about consciousness was that it didn't exist.
· Falling Up the Stairs, Janet Sternburg
        Talk - Friday, Monday, Feb. 17, 27
"She is one of those rare individuals... who is equally talented as a photographer and a writer."
· MyStudio Art Walk, 2023, pictorial
        Gaia Schilke, Lino Arteaga, Katrina Noel
Sat, Sun, Feb 18, 19
· SMA's bargain burger. Delivered. From La Frontera.
        by Don Day
Having La Frontera's burgers delivered to our door though was a bit of an accident.
February 5
· The Bells are Ringing
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Listening to White Christmas in a country where snow is unknown is bizarre.
· Happiness is an Inside Job
        by Luba Nikolayev, text and photos
What was the case in our recent move to San Miguel? Did I try to run away from my problems?
· MyStudio Art Walk, 2023, pictorial
        Alifie Rojas, Barry Weiss, Catherine Shea
Sat, Sun, Feb 18, 19
· Spending two hours in France. Without leaving San Miguel.
        by Don Day
"Love is like wine. It needs time. It needs to ferment."
January 29
· Eating and Sleeping
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Abundance is easier to realize, well-rested and with a full stomach.
· Entering an Indian Palace
        by Luba Nikolayev, text and photos
I've never heard this kind of music live before. Everything is new.
· Migrating Textiles, An Unexpected Benefit
        by Lena Bartula
Fri, Sat, Feb 3, 4
· Black Loft, pictorial
        by Valentina Deffís, photos and architectural design
This loft features locally-sourced materials...
· MyStudio Art Walk, 2023, pictorial
Sat, Sun, Feb 18, 19
· Liked it so much, I bought a box. OK, two.
        by Don Day
Had I found the new year's best bargain? Or had I fallen for some prettily packaged plonk?
January / Enero 2023
January 22
· Freedom's Cost
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Free speech is messy, but "the marketplace of ideas" works.
· Art from Upset, Post-Move Creativity
        by Alejandro Anaya, text and art
The trick is to use the upset to our advantage.
· The Art of Looking
        by Susan Fassberg
A stone vessel in an abandoned courtyard feels like a portal to another time and space.
· Searching for Lost Family, More than Cousins
Talk - Thur, Jan 26

        by Bruce Sarbit
"If Bruce Sarbit is still alive, tell him I am Alain Gaubert, the nephew of Charles Goldberg."
· The Nude Model, Figure This...
Opening, Sun, Jan 29

At that time the painters, spectators, and collectors were men.
· What the Hell Does He Know?
        Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Taking photos doesn't make you a photographer. Painting a canvas doesn't make you an artist.
· Creatividad Post Mudanza
        por Alejandro Anaya, texto y arte
Solo tenemos que aprender a usar la disrupción a nuestro favor.
· San Miguel's Forgotten (by me) Asian Restaurant
        by Don Day
It was rather revolutionary in its day. The first chef-driven restaurant ever in SMA.
· Where Can We Live in Peace?, ABBA House
        Documentary, Fri. Jan 27

The new center will be an example to the world of what is possible.
January 15
· Paying Attention
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
I bend down and wash the cat's face with my still damp fingers.
· The Art of the Move
        by Alejandro Anaya, text, photos, art
This ordinary upheaval is also part of my artistic process.
· Duped
        by Claudia Peresman
Let's start right now by agreeing to understand the problems.
· El arte de la mudanza
        por Alejandro Anaya, texto, fotos, arte
El arte que hacemos nace justamente de todo ese caos, no solo de los cafecitos.
· A Funny Thing: Bothering Myself
        Dr. David, Chief Cook / Bottle-washer
One doesn't have to be Carl Jung to interpret this one.
· 5 Things You May not Know About SMA, and 5 Places to Lunch After You Do
        by Don Day
I hated history in school. But I love history when I’m knee deep in it.
· Son Jarocho Celebration: Suena el Fandango
        Concert, Tues, Jan 17
The most common instruments in the Son are... and the Donkey Jaw.
· Celebrando El Son Jarocho, Suena el Fandango
        Concierto, Martes, 17 de Ene.
En el son los instrumentos más comunes son... y la quijada de burro.
January 8
· Ring In the New
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
I was a clever clown and everyone was gracious enough to allow and enjoy my foolery.
· Design Notes
        by Claudia Peresman
Most of us hesitate to stop the flow of traffic on a narrow sidewalk while we stop to admire a doorway.
· From the Mountain to the Valley
        by Valentina Deffís
...artisan hands of Mexican men and women working with ancestral techniques.
· De la montaña al valle
        Valentina Deffís
...manos artesanas de mexicanas y mexicanos que trabajan técnicas ancestrales.
· A Funny Thing: Yes, But No
        Dr. David, Chief Cook / Bottle-washer
Pushed too far, this man killed his master and escaped, finding refuge beside the spring on that mountainside.
· "The best traditional dish in the world". Right here in SMA.
        by Don Day
"Korean slaves brought to the region created the recipe using local ingredients."
January 1
· A Prayer for the Dead
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Those of us left behind need some sacred theater to come to terms with our loss.
· Halcyon Days: Daffodils
        by Eva Hunter
When they got out of the chairs, I pulled them back to their original positions in the room.
· A Funny Thing: Uncompensated
        by Dr. David, Chief Cook / Bottle-washer
"I've come to understand that there is a reason we are born into the wrong family."
· A Hidden Hometown Treasure
        by Alejandro Anaya, text and photos
It is impossible not to be surprised within that august enclosure.
· Un tesoro escondido en mi tierra
        por Alejandro Anaya, texto y fotos
Es imposible no sorprenderse al entrar a ese recinto.
December / Diciembre 2022
December 25
· Do Cats Go to Hell?
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Given someone else's warm lap and a better menu, my cat would leave and never give me another thought.
· Halcyon Days: Falling Down
        by Eva Hunter
It is quiet here in my San Antonio barrio on a rugged rocky street
· A Funny Thing: Painted into a Corner
        by Dr. David, Chief Cook / Bottle-washer
San Miguel is the only place where mothers tell their children to put on a coat before they go inside.
· Shaken not stirred. By Diego.
        by Don Day
Last Thursday evening, I had four cocktails. I wasn't celebrating anything, other than it being five o'clock.
· The Secret of Dr. Grinberg
film review

        by Jeffrey R. Sipe
...answers very few questions, but asks enough to keep viewers thinking long after the closing credits.
· My Queen Died Today
        by Bruce Stuart
To the Buckingham Palace we were called, To see my father receive a MBE
December 18
· Further Down the Road
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
I've always made allowance for the egos of artists. They have to believe in themselves.
· On the Wings of a Butterfly
        by Ms. Dale Brous
Occasionally a limb might break from the sheer weight of the butterflies.
· The Stars of San Miguel
        by Alejandro Anaya, text and photos
Our brightest stars are not the metallic ones suspended over our head.
· Las Estrellas de San Miguel
        por Alejandro Anaya, texto y fotos
Nuestras estrellas más brillantes no son las metálicas que están suspendidas sobre las calles.
· Cha Cha Cha. The sequel's as good as the original.
        by Don Day
It isn't fancy food. It's fill your belly and make you feel good food.
· The Kings of the World, film review
        by Jeffrey R. Sipe
"The other day I dreamed all men fell asleep... And the fences of the earth burned."
December 11
· On the Road Again
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Religion, like sex, is a deep-seated urge.
· Preserving Sea Turtles, La Sirena Gordita
        by Joseph Sorrentino
It's estimated that one in a thousand will survive.
· Advancing the Folk Art Tradition, Guadalupe Trejo
Workshops, Mon-Fri, Dec. 12-16 & 19-23

        by Alejandro Anaya
That ceremony changed me forever.
· Avanzando la tradición del arte popular, Guadalupe Trejo
Talleres, Lun-Vier 12-16 y 19-23 de Dic

        por Alejandro Anaya
Esa ceremonia me cambió para siempre
· The Beginnings of a New Museum, La Casa Hogar Mexiquito
        by Alejandro Anaya
Edgardo's artistic expertise evoking on its walls that noble spirit.
· El rostro de un nuevo museo, la Casa Hogar Mexiquito
        por Alejandro Anaya
Los murales son un importante acento en el magno proyecto que representa este museo.
· Bacalao is back. From Chef Maria.
        by Don Day
She served a buffet with a staggering 32 different dishes
· A 37-Minute Miracle, Le Pupille, film review
        by Nina Rodríguez
...a unique voice and an eye that captures humanity at its most complex.
December 4
· On the Road in SMA
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
"You were sure that you were going to die."
· Zeferino's Dream
        by Alejandro Anaya
There is a lot of history behind the façade, and in it.
· El sueño de Zeferino
        por Alejandro Anaya
Inicialmente mucha gente criticó su diseño gótico.
· Scorpions, Coming to Terms: Nobody Knows the Spanish I Speak
        by Mark Saunders
A little knowledge is dangerous, but a lot makes for a long string of sleepless nights.
· Liminal Dream: Ri Anderson's Mexico City Opening
I find this fantasy both seductive and terrifying, magical and threatening.
· Sueño Liminal: Ri Anderson Inauguración CDMX
Encuentro esta fantasía a la vez seductora y aterradora, mágica y amenazante.
· Hoppin' On Down to Venencia for Chapulines
        by Don Day
"I think the place to sit is at the bar. Let's saddle up".
· The Other Tom, film review
        by Jeffrey R. Sipe
It is very much like real life wrapped up in a piece of fiction.
November / Noviembre 2022
November 27
· A Star is Born
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
First, we take San Miguel and then we take the world.
· Lacquer Gourds from Guerrero
Open House - Sat, Sun, Nov. 26, 27

        by Susan Page
...persuading the artists to return to using traditional ingredients.
· SMA: One Door at a Time
        by Alejandro Anaya
There are many ways to experience this city.
· Descubriendo San Miguel una puerta a la vez
        por Alejandro Anaya
Hay muchas formas de vivir esta ciudad.
· The Toledo of México?
        by Alejandro Anaya
We all need our "Toledo," to get lost in the streets of another time.
· ¿El Toledo de México?
        por Alejandro Anaya
Necesitamos nuestro "Toledo" para... perdernos en callecitas de otro tiempo...
· Peter Leventhal - The Last of the Collection
Opening - Friday, Nov. 25

Death in its completeness does not happen until we are forgotten.
· Maru Vázquez - Visual Codes
Opening - Saturday, Dec. 3

These codes are the maps of the Universe as gifted through me to my hands.
· Maru Vázquez - Códigos Visuales
Inauguración - Sábado, 3 de Dic.

Estos códigos son los mapas del Universo que me regalaron a través de mis manos.
November 20
· Quixote in San Miguel
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
She was, and still is, shoveling against the tide.
· Sisterhood and Rebels: Femicide and Violence
        by Irene Fuentes
For girls and women to live free of violence, in full enjoyment of their human rights.
· La Cocina de SMA at Tyto's
        by Don Day
The next day I sent him on what must have been one of the wildest goose chases ever.
November 13
· Life's a Stage
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
"Be careful what you pretend to be, because that is what you are."
· Black is Beautiful, Opening - Sunday, November 20
        Kathleen Cammarata and Joe Molinaro
Black is an ancient color, the first color, the first charcoal drawing dated 35,000 BCE
· Archaeologists Forced to Rebury Unusual Discovery
        by Peter Dockrill
Archaeologists have to "undiscover" the cultural treasures.
November 6
· Sugary Skulls
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Mexicans really know how to party.
· You Bet Your Sweet Patootie They're Good
        by Don Day
Then I came to San Miguel de Allende and my tongue got all twisted around.
· SMA: "Like combining a Fellini film and Buddhist retreat"
        by Lorna Thornber
Hours of mutual storytelling over a few rounds of tequila helped seal the deal.
October 30
· Live Long and Better
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
In the city you can be as weird as you want, but nature has a way of keeping you honest.
· Fiesta of Precious Blood - pictorial
        by Joseph Sorrentino, photos and text
Sixteen young men and two young girls make a promise that lasts three years.
· Ancient Maya Drugs: Enemas and Entheogens
        by Sahir Pandey
Two articles
October / Octubre 2022
October 23
· Once Upon a Time
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
We human beings love stories. "Once upon a time" is a magic enchantment.
· Why All These Skeletons? - Galeria Atotonilco's Day of Dead Open House - Sat, Sun, Oct 29, 30
        by Susan Page
Instead of fearing death, the Aztecs embraced it.
· Mexico's 1,500-year-old Unknown Pyramids
        from BBC Unearthed / by Lina Zeldovich
These pyramids are held together by sticky juice from the prickly pear cactus.
October 16
· Who's Crazy Now?
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Big Tech's algorithm strengthens our sense of belonging.
· Graffiti and Mural Festival, Colectivo Coyote Urbano
        Friday-Sunday, October 21-23
The participation of 80 artists, both local and from different states of Mexico...
· 1,000-Year-Old Cañada de la Virgen Monument Given Protection
        by Sahir Pandey
...a large stone temple complex and many ancillary structures.
October 9
· Madison Avenue
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Advertising works. We all tend to buy, or buy into, the loudest, most frequent message.
· She's Beside Herself - Exhibition, La Huipilista Artspace
        by Lena Bartula
I can't bring myself to remove the set and put my studio back in order.
· Three Generations of OaxaCalifornians: Compartimento Cinematográfico
        by Jeffrey R. Sipe
film review
October 2
· Happy New Year, Indeed
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
When I get the rhythm right, stumbling blocks transform into stepping stones.
· Body Fictions, Karen Wight & Kathleen Cammarata: exhibit / conversation with the artists
        Sat, Sun, Mon; Oct 8, 9, 10
The depiction of the body, can never be neutral like the drawing of a chair.
· Indigenous Cinema in San Miguel: Compartimento Cinematográfico
        by Jeffrey R. Sipe
film reviews
September / Septiembre 2022
September 25
· Parts and Wholes
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
"Anyone who does not respond 'Hello' when they are greeted is a barbarian."
· Independence Day Parade pictorial / pictórico
        by Paynal Ward, text and photos
...you could hitch a ride on a truck or even sometimes a helicopter to the area of combat.
· Mexicanos en Acción, Exposición Colectiva
pictorial / pictórico

        by Erik Zavala, photos / fotos
Casa Europa
September 18
· Asking and Receiving
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
I comment on his goings-on with genuine interest, while continuing to beg...
· Happy Ending / Beginning
        by Mary Norquist
A forty-year quest completed.
· Terrazas SMA Terraces, pictorial / pictórico
        by Valeria Ascencio
We cannot forget Antonio Banderas on the terrace of one of the best hotels in the city...
September 11
· My Big Head
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
I worried what other unknown errors will rear up to bite me in the ass.
· Sky's the Limit: "New" Cinema in SMA
        by Henrietta Weekes
"It sparked me to want to create new spaces in SMA that are culturally regenerative."
September 4
· Four Jewish Jokes... or Five
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
"Life is full of pain and suffering, and it's all over much too soon."
· Between Worlds / Entre Mundos, James Gritz, Photography & Mixed Media
Saturday, Sept. 10

My latest images fuse the literal with abstract textures of life.
· Objetos Rituales, El Libro y la Exposición de Adelia Sayeg
Sigue hasta el 23 de Sept.

        por Jorge Contreras
Ese tipo de sensibilidad en sus obras remite a un mundo que se parece a un poema.
August / Agosto 2022
August 28
· An Old Dog's New Tricks
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Reorganizing is putting it mildly. In fact, in this instance, "putting it mildly" is putting it mildly.
· Giving Voice to Inner Life: The Art of Bobbi Van
Open Studio, Fridays and Saturdays

        by Siba Kumar Das
...induces you into contemplating such things as time, transience, and transcendence.
· Geography-Based Catholicism
        by Joseph Toone
In Mexico a niece can inherit her uncle-priest's homes or cars.
August 21
· My Nervous Breakdown
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
I had to strategically invest whatever force was at my disposal to get the essentials done.
· Pilar Ortiz and the Power of Personality
        by Don Day
She calls me her angel. I feel very, very special.
August 14
· There are Two Types of People
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
When you already have 180 million dollars, it seems you want 180 million and five dollars.
· Yoga for Every Body
        by Melinda Marino, Founder Esencia Yoga
Yoga is about not always getting it right, about perseverance.
· Mujeres en el Arte
Saturday, August 13, 5-8pm
Fabrica la Aurora Art Walk

August 7
· A More Perfect Union
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
"Don't spit in the soup. We all have to eat." - Lyndon Johnson
· Returning to Nature, Authentic Green Burial
        by Felix Chancellor
...being actors in a grand play beyond our wildest knowing and imagination.
· Mexican Hand Signals
        by Pat Hall
Be careful with this one in Mexico.
· He Killed a Kidnapper and Now He's in Jail
· Mató a Secuestrador y Ahora Está en la Cárcel
July 31
· Dating in the Time of Covid
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
I don't think politics should prevent us from sitting down together and having a beer.
· Enormous Life Lesson
Maru Vázquez
Opening - Mujeres en el Arte, August 13

I have been able to give way to my wildest dreams and my deepest concerns.
· Una Enorme Enseñanza de Vida
Maru Vázquez
Inauguración - Mujeres en el Arte, Sábado, 13 de Agosto

He podido dar salida a mis más alocados sueños y mis más profundas inquietudes.
· Pre-Colombian Reinterpretations
Reinterpretaciones Precolombinas
Jared Jiménez

Opening - Saturday, August 6 - Inauguración
July / Julio 2022
July 24
· Earth First
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Show me that in which a person believes and I will show you his religion.
· The Unkown Result of the Journey, Merry Calderoni
Opening - Mujeres en el Arte, August 13

A successful painting is never guaranteed.
· Controlling the Weather, Los Graniceros
by Joseph Sorrentino, text and photos
Photos from four ceremonies that took place over the course of a year.
· Sex Ed at the Corner Store, CASA
        by Sanjana Natesan
No study suggests that condom availability increases sexual activity.
July 17
· Crazy Is as Crazy Does
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
For us expats, community is the most magical aspect of this magical town.
· Drawing with Wire, Zoë Siegel
Opening - Mujeres en el Arte, August 13

It is held together with delicate strength.
· A Symphony of Youth
Free Concert, Tuesday, July 19

by Fredric Dannen
"to bring music to all our children and young people in San Miguel."
· MyStudio Art Walk: preview 8 - Roberto Buchanan / Shannon Reece / Sharon Jeffers / Sue Griffin / Suzy Taylor
Sat. Sun. July 16, 17

The artists of Col. San Antonio open their studios, houses and galleries.
July 10
· A Chill on Blackberry Hill
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
As in war, whoever makes the fewest mistakes wins.
· Inking for Change
        by Ria Talken
I, like a lotus, flourished out of my muck.
· Waking Up to Violence Against Women: CASA
by Sanjana Natesan
...to do something about everyday violence against women.
· A Power Held By All Women: Wendy Moyer
Opening - Mujeres en el Arte, August 13

My works are deeply layered with hopes, fears, conversations...
· MyStudio Art Walk: preview 7 - Daniela Pruneda / Donna Russo / Jonathon Williams / Peter A Davis / Peter Gee
Sat. Sun. July 16, 17

The artists of Col. San Antonio open their studios, houses and galleries.
July 3
· Fake News and the Ugly American
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
A sense of humor is a sign of intelligence.
· ABBA: Finding Refuge
Movie / Party / Benefit - Friday, July 8

Casa ABBA has helped over 80,000 migrants
· Haunting the Hacienda, Jo Anderson Brenzo
Opening, Sat. July, 9

I immediately felt the opulence of the past, the decay...
· Betwixt: Shifting Parameters of Home, Ri Anderson
Opening - Mujeres en el Arte, August 13

It was only natural that my work focused more and more inward.
· MyStudio Art Walk: preview 6 - Linda Joy / Jon Levin / Lori Schwilling Mark Andrew / Michael Schwarcz
Sat. Sun. July 16, 17

The artists of Col. San Antonio open their studios, houses and galleries.
June / Junio 2022
June 26
· Los Locos Unmasked: Like You've Never Seen It
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Most of the trucks each contain enough speakers to amplify a concert at a mid-sized arena.
· Our Own Human Nature, Ana de los Rios
Opening - Mujeres en el Arte, August 13

I am concerned about the crossroads at which the entire world finds itself.
· Hacia Nuestra Propia Naturaleza, Ana de los Rios
Mujeres en el Arte, Fabrica la Aurora, Sábado 6 de Agosto

Me preocupa la encrucijada en la que se encuentra el mundo entero.
· Fusing Surrealism and Expressionism, Fernando Vignoli
Thursday, June 30

...leading the viewer to come across texture, plasticity and creation.
· MyStudio Art Walk: preview 4 - David Webb / Dawn Lundquist / Jaime Salazar / Lawrence Selevan / Linda Joslin
Sat. Sun. July 16, 17

The artists of Col. San Antonio open their studios, houses and galleries.
June 19
· One Man Band
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
It's empowering to realize that I've got the ability to do it on my own.
· The Oldest Profession
Boystown Paintings and Drawings 2022

        by Henry Vermillion
The feminist Germaine Greer... concluded that "Prostitution and painting go hand in hand."
· Consuming Water and the Landscape: Carolina Parra
Mujeres en el Arte, Fabrica la Aurora, Saturday August 6
· El Consumo del Agua y el Paisaje: Carolina Parra
Mujeres en el Arte, Fabrica la Aurora, Sábado 6 de Agosto
· MyStudio Art Walk: preview 4
Lindsay Duval / Katrina Noel / Joe Campiere
Sat. Sun. July 16, 17

The artists of Col. San Antonio open their studios, houses and galleries.
June 12
· Three Holidays, Three Israelis
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
All Jewish holidays can be summed up by the saying: "They tried to kill us. We won. Let's eat."
· Art as a Cathartic Exercise
Mujeres en el Arte, August 6

        Lilia Luján
I am seduced by art, music, culture, people, nature and gastronomy.
· El Arte Como un Ejercicio Catártico
Mujeres en el Arte, 6 de Agosto

        Lilia Luján
Me seduce el arte, la música, la cultura, la gente, la naturaleza y la gastronomía.
· MyStudio Art Walk: preview 3
Catherine Shea / Gaia Schilke / Glen Rogers
Sat. Sun. July 16, 17

The artists of Colonia San Antonio will open their studios, houses and galleries to the public.
June 5
· Poor Little Rich Man
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
It's a small town and I don't want to make enemies.
· The Naked Inner World
Sandra de la Torre, Photography

        by Jeffrey R. Sipe
Her photographs exude an inner spirituality... describing a sometimes torturous journey.
· MyStudio Art Walk: preview 2
Alifie Rojas / Barry Weiss / Béa Aaronson
Sat. Sun. July 16, 17

The artists of Colonia San Antonio will open their studios, houses and galleries to the public.
May 29
· Mexico is at Full Volume
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
The activity was frenetic. The noise was impressive, even by Mexican standards.
· What's in a Mexican Nickname?
        by Pat Hall
I have heard many nicknames in Mexico, and most of them, at first, made no sense to me.
· MyStudio Art Walk: preview 1
Al Tirado / Lauren Osornio / Honore Kaplan
Sat. Sun. July 16, 17

The artists of Colonia San Antonio will open their studios, houses and galleries to the public.
· El Retiro's National Film Premier
3 Generations of Women in Atotonilco
Sat. May 28

        by Jeffrey R. Sipe
Looking incisively into Mexican society has become the trademark of Alatorre's work.
May / Mayo 2022
May 22
· Closing and Opening Doors
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
San Miguel is a river and most of us are just floating along.
· 60s So Cal Car Culture in SMA: pictorial
        by Paynal Ward
Many bizarre, very special details cover these automotive masterpieces.
May 15
· Bach and Climate Change
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Her sensitivity ran wild in many, less musical regards.
· Sailing to San Miguel
        by Jerome Phillips
I seldom back off in highway or bar situations.
May 8
· Watermelon and Death
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
My glibness is in accord with the lightheartedness they have towards death here in Mexico.
· 740 Moons, Adelia Sayeg
Opening, Saturday, May 14

I am part of those who seek to rescue that spiritual heritage of our ancestors.
· 740 Lunas, Adelia Sayeg
Inauguración - Sábado, 14 de Mayo

Soy parte de aquellos que buscan rescatar esa herencia espiritual de nuestros ancestros.
· What is so Important About Cinco de Mayo?
        by Natalie Taylor
The French wanted to conquer the country and revive an empire in Mexico.
May 1
· Every Time They Play that Um-pah-pah
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Regular immersion in nature is one of three things proven to result in longer lives.
· Gilded Photography: Lori Pond and Wendi Schneider
Opening - Saturday, May 7

To illustrate both the preciousness of life and certainty of death...
· They Take You Away
        by David Armando Garza II, aka, Lynx Bigtooth Maple
The pure miracles of life do take you away. But they bring you back again.
April / Abril 2022
April 24
· Why is this Night Different?
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Dogs and people are wackier during the full moon. Hospitals stock more blood...
· Photographing the World: Alison Wright
        by Robert J. Hawkins; photos by Alison Wright
...a person whose pictures gave voice to the often unseen and unheard around the world.
· Señor de la Conquista Danzantes
        por Jon Welsh
April 17
· A Lion Roars in Guadiana
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
I admit that I am a stranger to abundance, a late bloomer...
· My Mexican Adventure
Opening, Friday, April 22
        by Beverly Sky
I came very reluctantly to Mexico after the death of both of my parents.
· Who are the Russian People?
Talk, Saturday, April 23
        by Frank Thoms
The Russia I knew is becoming another Russia, harkening back to Stalin days.
· Lord of the Conquest Dancers
        by Jon Welsh
April 10
· Time Travel: Back and Forward
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Lingering is often the kiss of death.
· Close Looking, Parts One and Two: How to Draw a Face
        by Henry Vermillion
He couldn't be persuaded. And he was usually right.
· Gil Gutiérrez: SMA to NYC
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
You don't have to go to New York to catch the show.
· Pass the Bottle and Praise the Agave
        by Don Day
It didn't go quite as planned.
April 3
· Seven in One Stroke
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
What at the moment seems like a quick solution often make matters worse.
· Blue Unicorns, the Rise of the Novel
Isis Rodriguez, opening - Saturday, April 9

        by Zyanya Gallegos
Isis battled social media giants for the right to post intelligent writing about her art works.
· A Garden, Theater, Mural and Hope for San Miguel Viejo
        by Ojala Niños
The mural's elements tell the journey of the first settlement of San Miguel Viejo.
· Mayor Mauricio Trejo Addresses Rotary
It was a very hopeful speech, which Lokkal presents here with thanks to Rotary and without further comment.
March / Marzo 2022
March 27
· Hold Your Horses
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
There is an etiquette when exploding things, a formal procedure that is followed.
· The Beauty and Difficulty of Being a Woman
        by Tania Noriz, The Good News SMA
The most beautiful thing about being a woman is crying without being criticized.
· Emilio González, Painter: Blessed is his sensitivity
Fabrica Art Walk, Sat, Apr. 2

        by Maru Vázquez
Its theme, color, structure and great handling of the technique amazed me.
· The Glorias, Gloria Steinem "Biopic"
Movie, Q&A with Director, Wednesday, March 30, 7pm

        by Jeffrey R. Sipe
The bus was out of time, forever traveling to the next demonstration, the next talk, the next rally.
· Lord of the Column, Grieving Our Suffering Earth
        by Mary Jane Miller
Roosters begin to crow as towers and domes appear on the city's horizon.
· ¿Qué es lo más bonito y lo más difícil de ser mujer?
        por Tania Noriz, The Good News SMA
Lo más hermoso de ser mujer es llorar sin ser criticada.
· Emilio González, Pintor: Bendita su sensibilidad
Fabrica Art Walk, Sáb, 2 de Abr.

        por Maru Vázquez
Su temática, colorido, estructura y gran manejo de la técnica me maravillaron.
March 20
· Something We Can All Agree On
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
As a country, the United States desperately needs to agree on something.
· After Hours with Willy Bo Richardson
        Gallery Skot Foreman
The world needs a load-stone that orients people towards what has staying power.
March 13
· It's the Wanting
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Now, when she exceeds her capacity to receive, I stop giving.
· Red Dresses: International Women's Day
        Ser Mujer
...each of them is a daughter, mother or sister of someone who hopes to see them again.
· A Day Without Women: My Heart Project
        by Kate Van Doren
Thank you for elevating your voice and the voice of women.
· Los Vestidos Rojos: Día Internacional de la Mujer
        Ser Mujer
...cada una de ellas es una hija, una madre o una hermana de alguien que espera volver a verlas.
March 6
· Fear of Flying
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
...a staid individual, he did not want to let loose.
· The Woman Who Becomes A Bird
Museum Exhibit in Guanajuato City

        by Viridiana Gutiérrez
...all sentient beings, who seek to experience and reveal a part of themselves that has been kept hidden...
· SMA Art Pioneers: the Brooks - pictorial
Exhibit closes Saturday
February 27
· Harvesting Papayas
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
The bad news is that almost everyone is distracted by the clown show that is modern culture.
February / Febrero 2022
February 20
· The Company I Keep
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Atheistic, he yet has a worshipful attitude towards nature.
· Francesca Moriggi, Ceramics - pictorial
I seek to value what we always see but perhaps forget or absorb without living it.
· Francesca Moriggi, Ceramica - pictórica
Busco valorizar lo que siempre vemos pero tal vez olvidamos y absorbemos sin vivirlo.
February 13
· Sunshine, Covid and Belonging
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
That vitamin D reduces the severity of respiratory illness is old news.
· The Perfume of Rosemary: A Radio Interview
        by A.S. Reisfield
These expressions of Life convey a message about society off course.
February 6
· Another Pushy Gringo
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Children "make sense" of an abusive situation in a nonsensical way.
January 30
· Magical Mysterious Monarchs
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Material is no less mysterious a phenomenon than is consciousness; it may even be stranger.
January / Enero 2022
January 23
· Me and My Big Mouth
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Life is messy. There are no simple answers, only simple-minded people.
· The Orphan and the Bananas: Proyecto de Vida
        by Colette Morya
It was as if I were seeing myself in a mirror.
January 16
· San Miguel's School of Hard Knocks
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
The dog was barking ferociously, waiting its moment to advance and sink its teeth in.
· Ruta Maya: Journeying Towards Indigenous Wisdom
        by Colette Morya
...to hear again from those who were silenced by the conquerors...
January 9
· My Near-Death Experience
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
"El gringo no se murio!" The gringo didn't die!
· To Betsy Bowman, Who Saved My Life
        by Colette Morya
This woman, whom I barely knew, was my last hope.
January 2
· Love and Death
        by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Nothing affects our attitutude towards life as much as our attitude towards death.
See Previous Issues
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